Are Indian genes so weak or Pajeets are really Aryan?

How to explain that half-Indian people are white and nice-looking, especially ladies?

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yes sirs very aryan sirs superpower super soon sirs

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Redeem pajeeta gf and make lots of hapoos. They're modern day aryans, with none of the white guilt.

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Pajeets are weird. They started with maths, enlightenment, ancient writing and ended with poo in loo.

There are only 3 races. Blacks Asians and whites. That is why arabs, Indians and Mexicans all turn “white” in 1 generation.

>Pajeet ÷ White = Aryan?
Didn't the other thread get nuked? Why u chasing 3 day ban Rus user?

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>There are only 3 races. Blacks Asians and whites
What about Red Indians? Where do they fit? And Mayans/Aztecs?

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post an india albino and you will have an indian whiter than the whitest scandanivian

I think they’re Asians.

Is this bitch the actress from the "Witcher"?

You can still tell the difference by the smell.


yeah, indians don't sleep with their dogs. kiss them or fuck them.

A half-Iranian chick

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XD kek'd

Bot thread
Mods don’t work unless you post porn

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