Some bitch threw my poutine french fries and i had 5 onions boys swinging at me...

Some bitch threw my poutine french fries and i had 5 onions boys swinging at me, bucked em up and got a ride home from the cops. Why the fuck are white knights so god damn weak bros? Imagine 5 of pic related, swinging on you. You feel nothing but pity.

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ITT: things that never happened

Some bitch tossed your salad and you fucked a bunch of nu-males out of guilt?
At least the police arrested your creepy ass.
Hitler would disaproeve. Isuiito .

I hate white knights


What did you do?

>pride month
>5 dudes 1 girl
Definitely gay bar

So I was ordering food with this chick. Some random woman told her "don't trust that guy" and so I just let it go. We got our poutine and sat down and began to ate. This woman walked over and started talking so i told her to stfu. A black chick comes out of nowhere, throw my poutine and gravy on the woman i was with so i started saying "fuck you, bitch! fuck you bitch!" and out of nowhere this guy rushes at me, and pushes me into the wall so i start swinging. 5 of these little faggots came up, ripped my shirt. I got some good punches in and then i got taken home by the cops. The woman i was with loves me now tho.

Damn. You're a winner, user.
I hope your story isn't fake, because you're fucking cool.

Somebody probably called you a wacist behind your back

the blacks usually attack first, its that maoa9 gene

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Where user?

So wait someone prevented a date rape and you end up riding in the back of a police car huh
Post arm

yeah, a good thing i live in a rural place, neurotic shit like this happened in Munich and Landshut all the time

people are fucking crazy, its like the city fucks your brain in a way

It's real brother. I wish the fight never happened because it traumatized that lady I was with. She said she would see me again tho. I wanted to go home and chill with her, not be taken away by the police. But the police are cool and understood me so repect.

Yeah she was a real gutter hood slut.


>leaf can’t speak English
Well everything checks out in this thread.


City living sucks. Why aren’t you living rural? You have the cheapest real estate in the country.

Wait, why did she throw the food on your date?

i believe him
based, good job user

I live rural enough bro, outside freddy.

lmao im still trying to figure that out, who were these bitches and who exactly were these little white night faggots? As i said, i don't even have a cut or a bruise and these little assholes got their come uppance for being white knights. Why that black bitch threw hot cheese and gravy on the woman I am into? I don't know. But all it takes is one dumb bitch to start a riot. And her rescue simps will be there, pathetically trying to land punches on you.

My advice: File a police report. Request security footage from the establishment, and press charges against the black chick, and potentially sue for damages. The legal system works both ways, and you and your lady were victimized. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Your face would be front over news.

There’s so many questions because it didn’t happen probably

>Changposting intensifies

Imagine being a faggot snitch

Second of all no establishment is actually obligated to show cops footage without a court order, most times unless someone was stabbed or shot just shrug and walk away, you’re telling him to file a civil suit and those are *never* free, so spend $10k on a lawyer just to get $15k from a judgment which the court can’t really enforce if the defendants simply don’t have it.

one of the biggest causes of schizophrenia is living in a city.

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lol says the fucking kiwi, country is mostly chinese by this point as well, don't throw stones in glass houses faggot

Decent advice, But to me, it's just a scrap. The cops let me go without troubling me, i'll just let this one go. Oh buddy if i see one of those simps in the street i will chirp them.

i want to move to a more rural area
i live in a town of about 25k people and even this is just too much for me, i just want to be around less people when i go out. less people, less problems

haha you got your salad tossed

Not your personal blog fag

this is officially the coolest leaf on pol rn


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Like I said, the law works both ways. Thinking in terms of snitching is brainlet tier. If the assailant could at all frame the altercation with OP as the aggressor, he’d be in jail right now. If something similar happens again, and OP doesn’t have a police report to back up his story from the first time, he could easily be accused as the aggressor in both incidents and face charges. It’s about being smart, not trying to protect a random attacker who may have had racist motivations and her Redditor 5 dwarf white knights from prosecution, and potentially making them pay restitution.

jesus christ shut the fuck up, you'd be shocked the police aren't on your sociopath cock sucking transgender mouldy ass. fucking hell.