We need to all pitch in together and go in on purchasing a monument to raise awareness.

We need to name every single white American on this monument killed by a minority. This is for a few reasons, one to spread awareness to the fact of how many whites are killed by shitskins in America and also to remember all of our fallen brothers and sisters senselessly slaughtered in their own homeland by subhumans who shouldn’t have been walking our streets in the first place.

Would Any Forums help donate towards such a cause if it was set up and transparent as to where i can prove all 100% of the funds go towards the monument?

If you guys are interested, feel free to elaborate or pitch in your ideas on the design, location, name, etc.

This could be a great way to wake up normies and say to themselves “wow, more whites have been killed by minorities than in all the wars we’ve fought combined.”

If this plan doesn’t wake up normies, nothing will.

Imagine the hundreds of thousands of names of innocent whites killed by niggers and spics, i could bet it’d maybe even get into the millions.

All those who have fallen should be remembered and honored for our failure to act together as a people and save their lives.

All these deaths are on our jewish politicians hands.

I would even encourage other nations to follow suite, create a memorial for all the whites killed by subhumans in your nation.

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Better Idea, we make them NFTs.

Attached: C83EFDE5-2CD7-4FAC-8CB2-8E6C7C595244.jpg (512x416, 25.31K)

This will redpill the normies for sure

would have to raise funds via crypto of course

Everyone always says “nobody does anything.” And when someone suggest doing something, they’re called a glownigger.

I figured this would be a way to “do something” while also not committing domestic terrorism like they jews want us to do so they can further crack down on whites for all the reasons they always use.

This idea would make the kike, nigger and spic seethe more than anything else we could do.

Of course, regardless of which currency we use i think this monument NEEDS to be built.

George nigger floyd has a monument, but not our millions of fallen white brothers and sisters? We are seriously slacking and need to honor and remember them while also pointing out the cause of their demise.

The fucking luciferians have a god damn memorial in Georgia, niggers have a shitload of memorials for every nigger that sat on the front of the bus or drank from a white water fountain, so whats stopping us from having our own?

where would you put the monument? how much would it cost? how would you update the names every day?

welder here, i can just build one out of poured concrete with molds. any design ideas?

we need some 3d cad guys

All this is to be decided upon, but just off of my first thought i would like to put it in whatever city/state has the most whites killed statistically by minorities. Probably New York or California or some liberal shithole.

Look at the vast size of the Vietnam monument, all the names and written plainly and clearly. It also gives the victims family a place to go and find their fallen loved ones name and honor them.

It would be a continuous project, and would require a good sizes lot as it would always be under updating to the new names added every week.

We’d have to use funding for this project first, (i’m not even sure how many names and deaths we are realistically looking at as of now) but we need to get every white killed i’d say from 1865-2022 to begin with. Once we are done with the initial project i’m POSITIVE it will get media attention of outraged liberals, trannys, kikes and niggers. This will only benefit us at bringing more awareness to the project.

Once completed with the initial project, i’d say we’d have to hire a full time user to constantly update and add on to the monument. Possibly even a security detail because you know the kikes will have their army of subhumans riot and attempt to destroy it. (Which will even further bring attention to our cause)

I just don’t see how this could go wrong.

i can do it but arts not my thing. we can use poured concrete since its easy and cheap then paint it or stick sheets of marble on the sides to make it nice

just rows and rows of blocks of concrete with granite stuck to it would work, can you engrave granite? Idk

I think it should be in Minneapolis because of st Floyd

if i had a lot i could do it myself in a few months of working on it after work. it should probably be a temple/museum type thing. what about a swastika shaped building thats open to the air with a concrete floor and roof supported by columns? the very center could be a round pantheon type building with the important stuff inside


of course but its a pain in the ass

This would actually be a lot of fun.

Would be best to have it near-ish to a liberal city. Or at least in a liberal state.

My gut says put it on rural farm property. Big ol' sign on the nearest highway plus social media.

You could do it cheap as hell. Obviously a nicer monument would be better.

The research alone would be damn near a full time job. And not even sure how you account for each and every single name... And then going back?

I think the research is what would need to be crowdsourced.

maybe stainless steel then?

Honestly user i was thinking something similar to the vietnam war memorial, but i’m open to other suggestions.

I’d like for this to be a project for us all to tackle together. I can’t do this alone, i just have the idea and i have the determination but i will need your guys help too. I don’t even know where to begin with this project personally but i’m considering taking this on and atleast trying to make a difference. I’d feel better with this then i would sitting behind a computer constantly bitching and doing nothing while our people are being slaughtered daily. It is literally a massacre of our people and it gets no attention whatsoever by the media, and this would change that.

The outrage alone and the protest would be too much for the media to try and ignore itZ

honestly, if you wanted to start super small you could grab a cheap 3d printer and begin printing blocks of peoples names in abs or nylon and gluing them in random places

If only there was something we could do...

Attached: graph_shows_how_to_end_racism.png (636x432, 12.26K)

i could program my cnc machine to engrave them onto metal strips. alternatively we could use a dog tag machine like at the army navy store and rivet the dog tags to the monument

kys christcuck literally nobody cares about your colonizing people

This is a great idea. Put it on go fund me or another crowdsourcing platform. Tell us a completely random dog whistle that end up on the description for plausible deniability, and just describe it as a generic monument to bring awareness of street violence. Then when you actually build it, use the list of white names. Onve it's up you can go mask off or just let anons here "notice" they're all white while you keep obfuscating

good idea japanon

No reason to wignat it up. It's more effective if you don't give them a psychological out

Why not have numerous ones all located next to each other indicated every white killed throughout history by non-white invades? Like a "holocaust" memorial but multiplied by 6 million

No swastika user, we can’t give any reason for the media to paint us as villianous or as nazis.

We are simply honoring or fallen brothers and sisters, what could possibly be wrong with that?

We have to keep the project redpilling, but at the same time educational and opening for normies to understand the sheer amount of senseless white deaths in America. This could start conversations on racial crime statistics and redpill many.

How could they paint us as villians if we are not nazis, not white supremacist, but just white brothers and sisters honoring our innocent fallen ones?

Truly credible source and not some 5min paint project made by an incel racist

This is the path to solidarity. Just because I love my family doesn't mean I hate anyone else's. That's the frame.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get the list of names of whites killed by minorites?

Is there any easy database to find this info, or would it have to literally be researched one by one?

This project isn’t even realistically possible unless we get a list of names and a number first to know what we are looking at and the sheer size the monument will have to be.

Honestly idk how to even begin with this research. I need my smart tech savvy anons to step up to the plate if this is possible.

>just off of my first thought i would like to put it in whatever city/state has the most whites killed statistically by minorities. Probably New York or California or some liberal shithole.
I think it should be in an area with the biggest group of persuadable whites. That means either a major city with red or purple surrounding suburbs or a tourist location. Possible locations: Cleveland or Columbus OH, Dallas TX suburbs, Gettysburg PA, somewhere near Disneyland in FL