Are white biker gangs still a thing?

I just watched a movie from the 90s with them and they seem like something i would want to hang out in. Better than being around normie libtards innit?

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Why would you want to join a gang?

OP is looking to be gangbanged

To hang out

Lol they’re all fuckin losers who work bottom tier trades during the day and then spend their paychecks on potato engines and amphetamines, sometimes they shack up with whores and strippers and may shoot some other biker in the leg in a meth rage

yes, bikers are cool, but not the ones that look hobo, pick the stylish bikers.

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They do, but they are just methheads, they aren't based or anything

Sad if true.

They use naive degenerates, party animals, and an occasional professional in a mid life crisis as a front for legitimacy, while the rest ofnthe gang serves as middlemen and muscle for bigger organizations like the mafia or cartels. Everyone is disposable, and its the naive underlings who usually get disposed of when shtf. They are cunning professionals on the professional side, and they use their own people's (your) incompetency to their own advantage. And when you go to prison, you're just another peckerwood. Don't expect any special treatment. Biker gangs dont translate to prison.

“””biker gangs””” are a bunch of LARPing fat boomers whose idea of a good time is eschewing seat belts and 4 wheels to take their motorized bicycles day drinking while having an old fat bitch that bakes homemade edibles cling to their love handles while wearing a leather vest with a patch on the batch that reads “property of bigg dogg”

In Australia yes. The Australian bikie gangs control the entire drug supply network. They've infiltrated the police, the ports, customs, everything they can to keep expanding their control.

There is a deal between the Australian bikie gangs, the drug manufacturers in Myanmar and the Thai drug runners. The Myanmar drug cartel (I can't recall their name) are now the most heavily armed cartel on earth. More than half of Australian meth comes from them, through the Thai runners, into the hands of Australian bikies and then it is distributed.

The Australian federal police have an official presence in Myanmar because of this and they have admitted this network is impossible to stop unless we go to war with the cartel in Myanmar.

clearly you've never been to pfizer HQ

you forgot the amphetamines

or mexico.

To think myanmar is well armed is laughable. I bet there's more RPG's in ten square blocks in compton than that entire country.

and buttsex

You'll be selling or smoking meth, unless you join one of those hardcore Christian holy-roller biker gangs. Those guys are cool.

>>Guys I just watched a movie, why isn't it real?


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most of those guys are on meth too.

not a huge difference between jesus and meth anyway. It's like coke and pepsi

Do you like hurting other people?

>Are white biker gangs still a thing?
yes and we read Any Forums when we're not busy doing drugs and killing people

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Checked and Raptor Unit Pilled.

Not Myanmar itself. One cartel that manufacturs most of the meth. Mexican meth doesn't end up in Australia. They don't need RGPs they have anti air missile batteries hidden in the jungle lmao. Most of their people are ex soldiers who stole the equipment. The network can't be broken up because they can bribe anyone.

do you prefer silicone or water based lube? Do you guys wear diapers when riding or do you freeball it? I imagine with all that anal sex you'd have trouble holding your shit in

Those dudes definitely have sex with each other's butts.

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>To think myanmar is well armed is laughable. I bet there's more RPG's in ten square blocks in compton than that entire country.
Yeah man it's not like they've been in a civil war for the last seventy years of anything.

Biker gangs are all homos

Sounds like you're speaking from experience

No man, its not.

When I was a kid I thought fags used butt plugs to keep themselves from pooping because it never occurred to me that you would stick things up your butt for sex.

yes. they do meth all the fucking time. my last cellmate and our block keyholder was a big biker dude.

yeah and the mexicans have AA systems and russian submarines too, and they can bribe anyone too.

I'm sure mayanmar is well armed relative to their size but truth is their market is a tiny fraction of what the mexicans and columbians have access to and their level of firepower is scaled likewise.

Remember, you live in a country where media 101 is fearporn and most people have never even seen a gun so it's easy to scare you with shit. Not that your bikers or the SEA cartels aren't a problem, but they are relatively speaking just a fly in austrailia's ointment compared to what goes on in the americas.

How do you have time between all your gay sex and being fat & bald?

This is completely wrong the mongols and Hells angels are still very real and have considerable power over local matters.

When was the last time an RPG was used in Compton; lay off the GTA 5 you nigger worshipping retard

I could point you to a few Gypsy Joker clubhouses in Oregon, but then I'd have to kill you... in Minecraft.

eventually, the do use buttplugs to stop themselves from pooping.

Here in Las Vegas a white biker gang just got into a shootout with a Mexican biker gang.

Guns rust, especially in jungles, and the old russian AK's arent exactly efficient to put it nicely.

The Mexican cartels change too often for them to be reliable drug manufacturers which is why Australian organised crime leans away from them. They're definitely well armed but they aren't at the same level of organisation.

>he thinks burma isn't well armed

Those beefs are hillarious. Half the time it's because of some patch or something someone said. Not even over legit concerns like money. I guess riding bikes makes people sensitive to butthurt.

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shh… you had me at amphetamines

Just because leaders are replaced doesn't mean anything has changed. The mexican plaza system has remained unchanged since at least the 1950's.

Austrailian gangs go with SEA manufacturers because of proximity, not efficacy. And SEA cartels get their precursors from the same place mexicans do - china.

So are they gonna just murder me and bury me in the desert if i try to join?


That's right, I killed your lord and savior.

Did you pay your rent this month?