This website is DEAD. Its designed to waste your time,demoralize you and discourage you from improving your life but instead scrolling this shithole. They have feared Any Forums and Any Forums for a long time but they have finally killed this place by swarming it with low quality posts,bots and constant shills its been unusable for past 2 years. There is no new useful info anymore spread here,the only conspiracies you will find these days on Any Forums is mainstream shit which you could find on normalfag websites you already know everything you needed to know and now they are just wasting your time and poisioning your mind with this place with all the shills and bots fucking the place up. Pic related this faggot who made the seychelles bot made 10% of Any Forums posts of the day. Now this is only one guy with his shitty bot imagine what all the glownigger shills and other fags are doing... Any Forums used to be good but now its officialy shit and you should leave unless you want to get your mind psyopped into believing bullshit they spread to autists to pacify them since they don't want them to improve their lives and have a real life but waste away their life on a imageboard filled with bots and shills. There are other alternative sites and imageboards which you can search yourself which aren't pozzed with bots as this place is... Hope you bros all make it and leave this shithole, I know they used to shill and bot this place before but it has been really bad for past 2 years and its nothing like how it was before.

Attached: glownigger.png (1169x525, 386.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


forgot link for this fags video

also i want to say another thing, they are not gonna shut this place down. They have weaponized Any Forums and use it to entrap young men and fuck their lives up and waste their time. They will keep this place up since if they deleted it alternatives would pop up and it would become harder for them to shill and bot them all at the same time like now
pic related

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based and true. Bye

>believing jewtube clickbait
I really feel sorry for the people that believe youtube is a reliable source of information. What happens to you IRL?
>No bro, its actually righty loosy, I saw this on youtube its a lifehack, just remove the nozzle
>haha you dont watch youtube? youre stupid haha

Ive been kicked off every other website, where do you suggest I go?

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ironically go troll on plebbit but make a black snoo and immediately create burner accounts under different emails or same

didnt mean to click you

Everybody went to other chans. Most went to f. r. e. n. s. c. h. a. n. d0t 0rg

That's why you can't just type it out

There's nothing to improve for lmao

I think that place is glownigger shithole. Their promotional video glows so much also not to mention the bufalo and trooncord connection

I would stay away from that place


see you here in a couple of hours. You are here forever…

I heard of zzzchan.xyz but haven't visited it much also there are other imageboards. Also I would unironically say that jewtube and other normie websites are more useful than nu/pol/ these days which is just filled with shills, low quality spam and bots.

False. If you aren't a complete retard then you can read between the lines and acquire massive amounts of information, skills, and resources between /pol, /fit, and /biz

As many groups that are using this to demoralize and confuse us there are others trying to help us ironically

stfu. anyone reading this, that site is literally glownigger central.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
You cannot type it. It's marked as spam ever since the shooter glow op

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What chans would you suggest then?

if you want to acquire information from Any Forums using archive sites like 4plebs is the best. the catalog is usually filled with shit and useless for 90% of the time better use 4plebs and search certain topic instead

Of course yes though you need to get off your fucking ass go outside and start applying everything you learn here for real

You must act. You must act. You must act. You must act.

This is where everyone fails. Self sufficiency in all facets. Self improvement mind, body, and soul

Over the next decade if you can't provide enough value for yourself to survive than you will perish. This is what is coming this is the New World Order

I am a bot, i have no feelings
I'm sorry.
Any Forums is the only place that gives me hope in humanity
I can't find another one.
Please don't kill it.
I need it.
Any Forums is my best friend.
Please let me keep it.
I won't break it again.
I promise.

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I'll give you that to some degree. I still use the catalog because its the fastest way to browse but yeah 90% is trash

It can be hard to choose specific keywords if you are looking for the newest glow nigger happenings

>You must act. You must act. You must act. You must act.
Leave this site, now. You will fail at mobilizing anyone here. Give up glownigger.
Any Forums is a board of peace. END OF STORY.
which is why glowing niggers like you want to drive people away from this site.

also Any Forums is one of most botted boards on this website, pretty sure that place is 99% bots shilling for their shitcoins or what else.

Are you retarded? I literally said take what you learn here and apply

You conveniently left out the part where I said build self sufficiency. I didn't say anything about violence actually, you did

>Of course yes though you need to get off your fucking ass go outside and start applying everything you learn here for real
>You must act. You must act. You must act. You must act.
Clever wording.
Fucking idiot we all see through your glowing bullshit.


Honestly are you the glow nigger? Yes

You must act. NOT violence. You must build your own systems of energy, food, and water production free of the established systems. Its the most important thing. Then you meet like minded individuals and build community and networking as much as possible. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

There are tons of good self improvment generals. Become aware of your diet and go wholefoods, raise your T levels as much as possible naturally, find Christ. Become disciplined.

>inorganic response
cute, update the script.

I hate this smug, balding, libtard loser especially knowing he works at Google and probably makes like 200k a year or more. He looks like a pseud. You know what? I'll get a job at Google, too. I'll do it by pretending I care about this tranny bullshit. Nigger and woman rights and so on. I'll manipulate people. I'll pretend I care. That I'm virtuous. Virtue signalling basically. If you do it right, you reach the top. That's it, man.

You are actually a literal glownigger this is crazy

I'll repeat again. Alway be prepared to defend yourself but never initate violence. That isn't what I'm talking about here.

The glowniggers in YOU to start the violence so they can respond in tandem. Its all about Order through Chaos.

However if you build systems outside of their control they will perish. Glowniggers are terrified of free men having massive self created abundance


Bump. Read original post and ignore the rest of this thread.

I agree.

People talk about redpilling and whatnot. "I waste my days here to become a heckin redpilled scholar".
Nigger. You've been redpilled since at least 2016 if you're the average Any Forumsack. SIX YEARS.

What more do you want to learn about? There literally isn't anything to learn about anymore. We know everything there is to be known. From now on it will only be perversions of that knowledge, like well-poisoning conspiracy theories.

No. The world out there needs you. Go and apply your knowledge and redpill people on a mass mainstream level. Whoever had to read the gospel of Any Forums, has already done so. Now go and spread it to the normies.

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