Why don’t white people just have as many kids a they possibly can instead of complaining about birthrates without...

Why don’t white people just have as many kids a they possibly can instead of complaining about birthrates without doing anything? It doesn’t take a high IQ to reproduce.

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gentleman, all fields

You're right, it doesn't take a high IQ to reproduce. It takes money, and you filthy kikes have done anything and everything to prevent White people from making money, to lowering wages through letting women work and vote, flooding our country with niggers and spics, the federal reserve being a privately-held bank, the list goes on.
All fields.

Why would I want kids to grow up a minority in their country? Demographic replacement has made it so that random violence will occur until the west becomes like Communist China.
The future is bleak.

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My wife and I are doing our part.

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Out breed the importation of millions of browns?
You do know women can only have, most of the time, one kid every 9 months yes

>It takes money
How do people in poverty living in low income countries reproduce? How do Afghans reproduce? Truth is that it takes absolutely nothing.

Because white people can't just play the system like niggers and spics do. The fathers don't typically leave the household and aren't willing to lie so that the woman can collect welfare. White families also don't like living 14 families to a house. They prefer to work hard and enjoy their personal freedom with their own family in their own house that they pay for.

Afghans don't have money stolen from them to support niggers.

Billions in foreign aid. Taken from the pockets of Whites, by kikes, given to the brown niggerish masses of the world.
I love growing sage, burning it at night helps me sleep.

Because we gave the bitches complete control over every step of the process.

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>It takes money
No it doesn't. Wife and I are on our 3rd and going to have more. We get over $900 in EBT money each month, she gets WIC, we all have great free health insurance (medicaid expansion state), free home repairs worth tens of thousands of dollars, we even have subsidized bills. Basically our only expense is our mortgage. She chooses to stay at home with the kids so we don't make too much money and get the free bennies for making white babies.

You are a nigger or a spic.

>It's going to be tough for my kids
>So I won't have kids at all

Probably a good choice

that's a dude

>Why don’t white people just have as many kids a they possibly can instead of complaining about birthrates without doing anything

white woman only fuck niggers & rich white/jews.

73% of whites are incels.

Babies require a pussy to cum inside.
see the conundrum?

Because of feminism + white woman.
It would be very simple to revert the situation by going on the street and taking as many white woman as you can feed.
But that would be immoral, you see?
You can only do it without impunity if you are a nigger or a kike.

China is homogeneous compared with the "diverse" nightmare that is the West, and they don't suffer from random violence any where near as much as we do.
If you mean their demographic collapse, then yeah, all developed societies are facing it.

The question is, do you want to switch for K-selection to r-selection, because it is totally possible to have many kids with very little money and still have most of them survive to adulthood, it's just that they generally won't be the quality people you'd like.

Why would I not take the money my government owes me? Don't tell me they tricked you into not getting your benefits by making you apply for them lol?!? It's your tax money retard, they should be giving it back to you anyway, the applications are just so they have an excuse to keep some of it.

Because, as always, the issue is not a shrinking population, but the Jews using it as an excuse to import sub-humans to our lands to maintain power. Less people, in principle, is not a bad thing, especially if low IQ people don't reproduce.

it's difficult to get a boner knowing that there are still jews in the world.

Good job, brother. Hope I can do the same in a few years.

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Imagine if everyone did that. You are a parasite and can only do what you're doing on the backs of others

Because they only want black guys.

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Because there's more to life than just kids, chud. Some people want to enjoy their lives by traveling the world, having a social life, able to go to events on whim without having to set up baby sitting, spending money on themselves. Seriously, who wants to wipe crusty baby asses and snot when they could live their life to the fullest at any point in their life.

>we take handouts
>it's OUR money!
Your white card is hereby revoked and you are a nigger or spic. The correct way to do it is to pay your taxes so that at the end of the year you owe nothing and also don't get anything back. Whites don't need handouts. Only niggers and spics pay the bare minimum and lie so they can get handouts and big tax returns. Money has corrupted you, nigger.
You are NOT white.

^ this guy funds jews & single mothers. total white hero

why do we have to have 8 kids if we only want two? just stop importing trash

I live in a huge area with a large dating pool. About 99% of white women on dating apps are:
>post-wall (wrinkly foreheads, smokes cigarettes)
>vapid airheads who like dogshit like Cardi B or The Office
I've only ever seen one truly based and redpilled woman on a dating app, and she seemed kind of shizo. I'd follow her on social media for the lulz, but she seemed legit crazy.
>tfw no Anglo tradwife

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I'm at the point I might knock up a single mom I know that wants more kids and a fuckmeat partner that nails her. But then I think that's retarded and collapse is coming anyway. What's women relations going to be like in a great Depression with food shortages everywhere? What will society be like in general? Will it be worth having a gf in a collapse or before one? I ask myself these questions often.

Ok well, I have certainly paid more in taxes than I have gotten back, so I'm not too worried about it.
Besides, if the choice is civnat conservative fiscal values vs Ribeye steaks and pumping my average white wife full of babies, I'll take the steaks and babies.

no it wont worth it

wypipo be like before I have kids I need
>a master's degree
>a salary of at least $200,000
>a 4500sq ft house
>an $80,000 SUV
>at least $500,000 in investments

So many blue pilled trad guys thinking they still have a fighting chance for the future, Kek. There’s too few white people in the world with no self respect and we aren’t even close to being able to reverse this. Every great nation eventually fucks up, look at the UK. This is the end result of a plan that’s been in the making for over a century. If you think this is the beginning of the end of white people you’re an ignorant fuck. We are at the end stages. This started when the Jews infiltrated the original colonies of the US and intensified during the industrial revolution.


>20x too many people on this planet
>just have a lot of kids lol
All religions being nothing more than appeal to emotion doesn't help.

>pays taxes towards social programs
>gets tricked into not using social programs

Buddy, I don't know what to tell you.

Because whites try to give their children a future and an education

Other races just let their kids roam in the streets and barely give a shit if they get killed

Brown hands types this.

>needing social programs
you're a nigger forever, remember that.

there will be no white babies because women, especially white women, believe that the flexibility of their vaginas has been given to allow the entry of large penises and not to allow the exit of the head of their babies, and since there is a fashion promoted by the jewish media that the largest penises are of niggers the future of humanity looks black everywhere, even chinese women are falling into the jewish trap

>Other races just let their kids roam in the streets and barely give a shit if they get killed

you mean whites are coddled and terrified of the outside world.

the vast majority of both white men and women are fat and feminist

Because the incels of this board are lazy. That’s it. Blacks and Indians will win simply because they’re working harder.

T. White

That's a good starter pack for an intern

I know this is a LARP but poor people, at least in the US don’t pay taxes, they get whatever they paid back in their tax returns. If you’re gonna make a LARP at least make believable

Because white people have to pay for their kids.

I mean in the past, before kids, my wife and I paid a shitload of taxes.

Picrel. Seethe, my incels, and continue to subsidize my steaks and white babies.

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That's not their mating strategy. They're not going to compete with the shear amount of immigration either if they try to adopt it.

you are a lucky guy sara gadon is an angel

Yeah, well-adjusted people who are useful to society sure are getting the good end of the bargain.

I'm sure the lazy niggers at the bottom and the psychopaths at the top milking them for everything they're worth are real envious

Even though racial mixing is going up it's not near to a majority of cases
You are right on the influence the media has on women though, 15 years ago girls said pretty easily that they won't date a black ever and you had that one exception

A fat nigger, too. Not surprised.

>shitting out kids on welfare money stolen from Whites
We hit the trifecta, lads.