Why are white males so angry?

Does it really all boil down to penis envy?

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It's nigger fatigue

As a white guy that used to be racist, penile envy is real and it should be discussed more often in educational settings

Jew and nigger fatigue.

Where did you find this picture of me?

lmao muh bwc more like big white cope

yes it has nothing to do with wanting to live as long as possible and protect one's belongings it's all gays jealous of cock

every white american woman who sees this:
>im soooo done with white men gosh im calling tyrone

yes im coming for those brown penises
you cant stop niggers
we stole your culture you science you people
and now we are going to steal your dicks

I was born with a below average penis and learning about the stereotypes associated with black men that both my white male and female counterparts beloved in made me furious. After I learned to accept my size i stopped feeling the need to be racist. Based on statistics i theorize is the reason for most white men. White men need to be taught in middle school (before they grow up to be high school shooters) that it’s okay to have a smaller penis that’s other peoples.

Why do you have this saved?

Why is your flag Indian?

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>Baiting big white dicks pics

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my dick is 6.5 x 5 inches and ive fucked 50 girls and about 140 thai hookers. id rather be white even with a micro dick than be a nigger with a 10inch dick.

being white is awesome, you basically are an aristocrat of the world. you can look down at all the worthless brown people and their ugly skin

Statistically, owning a firearm means you're much more likely to either use it on yourself or end up escalating an otherwise non-fatal violent confrontation

What will niggers do when white women enter the next stage of bestialism?

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didn't happen, Tyrone

Came with the discord tranny starter kit.
>His handler's next task will be to post pictures of his butthole to a strange discord server

This is a POLITICAL thread, stay on topic.

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imagine replying without proper seasoning

couldnt be me
im not enough of a braindead fucktard

Whys it always gotta be about dicks and sex with those people? 5th grade mentality is like a way of life for them.

>literally me

Oh I get it

Every male in this picture has a very small penis.

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this guy gets it

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Why do you have that image saved

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So you don't think it could have anything to with this?

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Why you got a tiny dick

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im with your mamas phone

Why wouldn't he?

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They’re probably tired of babysitting a whole continents worth of greedy retards instead of getting on with their own goals

>5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Weird theory coming from a group of people known to remove their penises.

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hope they all rape her

gahhdamn is that dussy?

Many situations should be escalated to a fatal confrontation. They usually were in more sane times of old.

>"Oh, you like to carry guns? I'm now thinking about your penis."

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Yeah, jews circumcised little boys, it's very painful, the result on brain chemistry is noticeable.

There are millions of self defense uses of a firearm every year in the US you fucking retard. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers, and have nothing to defend yourself with. Your final thoughts as you bleed out will be, "man I wish I had a gun"

Why would we be envious of ourselves?

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cool story bro


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they don't have to, she gives it willingly and freely to the alpha male

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Do you really think leftists are getting pussy?

Why is the shell ejection port so big?

why do you have this saved?



that's weird as fuck man
stop posting

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If your woman can't comfortably jerk you off with two hands your dick is too small to ever please her. I see these pathetic cucks in glory hole porn where she can barely get one hand on the thing, I'd literally kill myself

nonironically this

plus flatearthers and fags

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You are a homosexual

Agree, dude has some serious insecurity issues.

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>muh dick

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Horses have massive dicks but I don't envy them.

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And being lame

Why do you care about a woman’s sexual pleasure so much, are you also a cuck that licks pussy

> huhuhu bix n00d muffuga MUH DICK huhuhu

You guys sure do spend a lot of time thinking about cock

>low effort shill

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This. Who gives a fuck what women want?

Because it's hot and makes sex better? I bet you've never had good sex, really sad dude