Whats the most based trade in America?

Whats the most based trade in America?

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how did she talk him into that?


computer programming

>lays down
"oh, shit. I left my wrench up on the window sill. Could you reach it if you climb up on the counter? thanks"


Mechanical Engineer

Bank robbing




There is not a single person on Any Forums who will suggest you get into programming

Trades aren't based. They are usually fat, drunk assholes angry that they couldn't do anything better with their lives. If you want to put away serious bank, you need to be a lawyer, accountant, engineer, computer programmer, etc. Or you can be a lazy POS and go into HR. I always wanted to be a pornstar and name myself "Walter Whitecock."

grease and oil

Machinist that can make guns out of tubes

You would be called Fah-gay McShrimpdick in the porn industry

Mechanical engineer, learn SolidWorks and get at least the CSWP (Certified SolidWorks Professional) certification.

I do, but that's because I like to give bad advice. Everyone should take a $20k webdev boot camp.

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Any Forums is for NEETs. Software engineer is the best job in the world. Trust me

IBEW electrician. I'm "working" right now earning 80/hr as a foreman. You literally don't have to work and make bank, bro.


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Any Forums is just a bunch of retards who refuse to learn anything else other than C and trannies who shill RUST all day. complete shit show

>Mechanical engineer
>make 20% of what CS make
>be replaced by EE
>job exported to India
Yeah, no.

>learn SolidWorks
If you want to engineer a bicycle lol

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Electrician here, 5 years in and I have 7 small rental houses.

I am 32 and fit.


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Kys ruining it for the rest of us

Fat people don't cut it in commercial trades

>be replaced by EE
Lol no
>duuuurrrrr what’s a mic?

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Would you recommend your trade? I don't do drugs or drink like that user was saying but I have a useless biology degree and am looking at other career paths

Also Any Forums

Underwater welding.

You think you do not need him, until you do, and when you need him you DESPERATELY need him..

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3D printing guns and gun accessories

Fucking whores on film

See here

The drug business

Doctor or pharmacist?

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Crane operator is borderline like playing video games. Really easy and pretty good pay.