Um...USAbros??? Are we feeling nervous yet?

Um...USAbros??? Are we feeling nervous yet?

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I would totally laugh my ass off if his ships launched cruise missiles against defense plants here in Orlando. I asked a sheriff deputy if they have any emergency plans for Russian attacks and he laughed at me. Now I want to see some fucking missiles just so that arrogant cocksucker has to eat his words.

this is the absolute worst thing they could possibly do. the military will get inundated with volunteers if they decided to attack "western cities" in the US.

I don't care.

Not me, motherfucker. You arrogant fucks are on your own. I'm Amish!

you couldn't possibly kill ALL our politicians and minorities

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I hope he does. But Putin is a bitch ass nigga so he won't do shit.

I probably wouldn't either, unless they attacked my own city. This country is so fucked at this point that it might be for the best.

Do it! For the love of God. Im sick of this slow burn horse shit.

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As long as Russia limits their strikes to:

Washington DC (while Congress is in full session)
New York
The City Of London
Vatican City
Klaus Schwab's House
Bill Gates' House
George Soros' House

...I wouldn't really care, to be honest.

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At least it would solve the russia problem once and for all worldwide.

more cold war bullshit that isn't true.

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I believe that's a delivery.

We have nuclear submarines armed with hundreds of nuclear weapons and trannys that haven't shaved in months and dilate with MREs, you think we won't tell them Putin just misgendered Jazz Jennings?

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I was actually hoping they'd burn all our cities, starting with Orlando. Those motherfuckers stop on green lights.

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Add Albany, Philly, San Fagsicko, LA and Tel Aviv and you got a deal.

I would love if they attacked my city, I'm in california and most people here deserve to die

Well not exactly, but it's nearly there.

Me too

North or south or central?

>Tfw Russia threatens you nuke your cities and you send them a Christmas wish list

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This is why they have MIRV's

>Western cities

Yeah maybe in Western Europe lmao.


MacArthur bombs China, USSR bombs Europe, US bombs USSR, USSR bombs US

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I think we can come to terms with them if they help us in stopping the bureaucratic revolutionaries which have infested our government.

Also, we're going to have to roll back affirmative action and women's rights in a major way.

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I would approve of a surrender if the terms included the public execution of every politician, bureaucrat, Federal Reserve employee, and three-letter-agency employee. And yes, all affirmative action and welfare must be immediately ended. A strict meritocracy is the only successful path forward.

Please nuke sweden.