Asperger’s Cure

Is there a cure for Asperger’s? I have supposedly “mild” Asperger’s but I am so socially retarded it’s insane. Is there anything I can do about this or am I fucked for life?

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Xanax + weed + 2 shots of whiskey

Believe it or not I spent a large portion of my life trying to find a "cure" for people like you and unfortunately there is none. Your disability is an organic one in nature. That is to say your brain is deformed. You're missing things. The BEST thing you can do and I mean this SO sincerely, is NOT to fall into the trap that almost ALL aspies fall into where they, largely due to their insecurity, convince themselves that it's actually the world that's sick and THEY'RE somehow "superior". This is not true. It is not true. You'll never be able to understand how it's not true because of organic structures in your brain not being compiled properly, essentially, but if you go down that road you will harm yourself. You will harm your prospects. You will harm your chances of being even remotely happy.

In age, like once you get to be like middle aged, your deficits will start to level out if they're mild. You won't be able to tell the difference between you and people who were born "normal". You'll start to pick up stuff that you couldn't pick up before. Stuff that was easy for everyone else but that you just couldn't perceive

Just enjoy it and get into autistic hobbies to find more people who won't give a shit.

And also the sad part is, and this is the part that really depressed me when I was involved with this stuff, that there is a profound component of basically sociopathy attached to autism. There's a profound entitlement and inability to empathize with others. You can find websites telling you BS like "autists ackshually have TOO MUCH empathy!" and no. No. Just no. That's polar opposite of reality. Your entire disorder could in fact be summed up in large part as an inability to empathize with humanity. So you're going to have fucked up, inaccurate perceptions and resultant beliefs that are really entitled, immature and sociopathic. That's PROBABLY why you're on this site? That's PROBABLY why so many on this site are sociopathic? And why people on this site are so full of themselves? (Because as I mentioned before aspies usually develop a false sense of superiority for their cognitive shortcoming)

Almost all therapists will lie to you and placate you because they want your business. Because aspies usually walk out when they're confronted with the reality of what they are. It's so much easier for people to just nod their heads and say "oh yea you're actually smarter than everyone else" or something stupid. And so that is what has happened in large part to autism in discussions in our society

And I mean the autism lack of empathy and profound entitlement is on full display on this site. With rightwing politics

>Almost all therapists will lie to you and placate you because they want your business.
This is one of several reasons I left the business. Other counselors don't want to counsel, and clients don't want counselors.

Just load up on Dextroamphetamine, Pregabalin and vapes. That’s what I do

Kek yea it's pointless. Pointless. Therapy could be very useful and beneficial but ultimately no one on either side really wants it

It does work both ways. There are things that the “normie” brain simply cannot perceive but seem obvious to the aspie. Thus both cradle a sense of superiority over the other. The aspie misses obvious social cues and makes a fool of himself in the eyes of others. On the other hand, normies do obviously retarded things like take the clot shot and poison their own children based entirely on their social perception and herd mentality. Everybody knows the medical and political establishments are corrupt yet for some almost inexplicable reason normies bend to them anyway, due to how their brain is structured. Whereas like in the story of the emperors new clothes, the aspie is too retarded to pick up on why he is supposed to defer to them and calls out the obvious. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

I just deal with it, everytime I go in public, my hands shake like crazy, but I just laugh and tell them I drink too much coffee and its quite true but its 100% anxiety, I always think people are watching me

This isn’t far from the truth. Skip the weed. Ideally don’t do any drugs at all, but if you wanna learn how a “normal” , relaxed person is meant to act in social settings, this would certainly do the trick. This is meant to be a learning experience though. Not a regular thing. Slippery slope.

If it's mild you're probably fine. Apply that autism to learning social skills, plenty of resources for that besides your own critical thinking.

No your attitude is exactly the sort of sick bullshit I'm talking about. Your brain is organically broken dude. It didn't form right. You are missing things. You are not better than "the normies". You suffer a massive disability and are unable to perceive reality properly
>On the other hand, normies do obviously retarded things like take the clot shot and poison their own children based entirely on their social perception and herd mentality.
No, you're a fucking retard dude. Do you hear me? You need to hear it. Nobody in your life wants to tell you but you need to fucking hear it from someone. Your fucking brain doesn't work and it makes you think retarded shit like this. Makes you feel like you're actually superior to everyone around you when you're absolutely ABSOLUTELY deficient

You kind of stop caring. Let me know if you find a cure, fren.

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Left wing is totalitarianism
Right wing is anarchy
You’re talking about communism vs capitalism which is two sides of the same coin you stupid kike bastard

i did half a xanax once and i remember thinking that this must be how normies feel all the time in social settings

>You suffer a massive disability and are unable to perceive reality properly
The outcomes of my life prove otherwise. I am healthy, happy, and married with children. Whereas YOU are now cognitively deficient because you allowed yourself to be injected with a neurotoxin

Yea nothing that you think and none of the way you perceive life on Earth or human society is reality. You have a broken brain. Do you understand me? It doesn't make you superior or smarter than anyone else. It's the opposite. Your brain is fucking broken, bro. You do not cognitively have the capacity to even perceive these things as they are. "Right wing is anarchy" like jesus christ tard you're fucking retarded

Im prescribed 3mg a day. It can be a dangerous drug but i hardly ever take all three in a day.

I was prescribed this. Does it help? I can't focus at all, right now

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You don't have any those things. You're just LARPing because another feature of autists is that they're pathologically dishonest