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If you're not a pajeet slave, aren't you rich?
Can't you just buy some?

that's a man

I parade on this site for my love for breasts

>your pic

that's because the indo aryans were cucks, unlike their western brothers

the aryans who came to europe (the celts) straight up exterminated everything that moved, the eastern aryans (indo aryans) were cucks who enslaved the ones they conquered instead of killing them all

the result of their policies: those countries today

Couldn't you parents just buy you a wife for bunch of camels or sth?

This is haram.

>They were slavs numbskull
what I am saying is that the countries conquered by ancient slavs (india, iran, pakistan, etc) are all shit because ancient slavs were cucks who refused to genocide the ones they conquered unlike the celts in europe, who did genocide them

hence the difference between the celtic R1b countries that are all paradise on earth, and the indo aryan/slavic R1a countries that are shitholes filled with mixed raced individuals

He likes them snow

just go to an anime convention, lot's of them there

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Haha this is correct. And the native Neolithic Europeans weren’t even that subhuman but celts and other indo-euros still genocided the fuck out of them.

The masses will get hypnotized by these milk jugs but it’s still a divide and conquer puppet

What’s up with his nose?

>And the native Neolithic Europeans weren’t even that subhuman
uhhhh standards motherfucker, have you heard of them?

>no technology except the stone
>fucks animals and gay men
>lives in matriarchal societies
>no wheel, no metals, no mathematics, no philosophy, no buildings, the fags literally LIVED IN CAVES
>not that subhuman

Attached: pre indo european nordic art.jpg (602x725, 227.81K)


Celts were mad because they were half nigger farmer. Chadtashta was 80% aryan. They thought they could bleach them.

Attached: Sintashta vs Bell Beaker.png (677x564, 57.12K)

Needs a tail

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why hasn't anyone formed a civilian army anyhow? we need privately owned F-15s

No it’s not. Google her leaks

Still less sub-human than dravidians
Don’t think it matters that much nigger. Strongest survive