>Good goy goes to fight for ZOG, remember goyim guns are only good when the govt says you can have them

>press S to pay your respects to cuntsable roasty
Evening lads, fuck kikes and niggers btw

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Fark, where are all my kiwibros tonight?


we all moved to australia
things are getting pretty fucked here tho so might move back

Attached: beer.webm (360x640, 232.72K)

Sounds about right

>70 giant 15 megawatt turbines
840,000 nissan leafs chared a day IF they produce maximum power 24/7, not bad.
>at a cost of about $5b
$6,000 per leaf.
We're winning the war on climate change folks!

Attached: spent wind turbine blades.jpg (2200x1649, 608.29K)

kek, I'd like to see that, but unfortunately I ment charged.

Attached: electric flare.jpg (300x168, 5.85K)

>What is dynamic pricing?
>When a company adjusts its prices to change people’s behaviour
Is that what they call cattle prodding the livestock now? "Dynamic prciing". What happened to the term Social Engineering? Not PC enough now?

All I see is LEAF and I'm triggered

Attached: leaf.png (680x678, 203.87K)

they literally just bury them? are they biodegradable?

The transfer of wealth known as a climate transition is well underway. Its all bulllshit like convid. All of it.

LOL you fool, they're composite in thermoset plastic.

Attached: 11233491_10153287782355281_4985912876975514416_n.jpg (926x875, 104.12K)

dynamic pricing is what a fucking stupid company does to make sure people avoid it like the plague

Of course, it strange how it only affects western nations isn't in. I can't have plastic bags, despite responsible with my trash, meanwhile in India....
To be fair maybe they banned it here because they knew once the immigrants take over they'd have the same problem in the rivers here.

Attached: curry nigger lake.jpg (1280x720, 270.28K)

Why do I keep noticing more gun and gang crime? It can't be that it's increasing, there must be another reason.
Is the news simply being racist?

The companies aren't the ones behind it, they just implement it as instrusted.

Attached: 1654188817470.jpg (2400x1600, 1.2M)

Air fryed wings almost ready friendos

Attached: air fryer kekapu frens.jpg (1080x1188, 182.94K)

I think gang crime is down, they just want an excuse to disarm white people so they say it's a warzone out there.

If I was a media roastie I'd be worried about all the woman being beaten outside Sunday, there's over 400 reported cases every day. But somehow some gangsters rental getting peppered is major news

Evening lads I hate niggers. feeling a bit shit today but that can't be helped. Probably have bataids again. oh well.

Because niggers are nogging as per usual, and White gun owners are naturally to blame. Now stop noticing things, goy

Attached: Ain't handin' in muh guns, bitch.png (543x511, 282.97K)

How much does the company pay you? Just curious.