Italy belongs to romania

Eu, Cezar Octavian Rădulescu, mă întorc pentru a revendica ce este de drept al meu si al poporului meu.

Locul provenienței noastre, un loc unde părinții părinților mei au sângerat pe câmpul de batalie

Țara noastră... sub ocupație macaronară, sub jugul unor mâncători de paie din făină, nu imi vine a crede nivelul de bestialitate cu care ne spurcă grădină Sfânta ce ni se cuvine noua.

Cum putem dormi noi noaptea, cum putem lăsa fiecare seară să treacă cunoscând aceasta situație?

E prima și ultima instanță când le aduc la cunoștință ca nu-i voi mai permite acestei situații abominabile să-și continue existența.

Porcaria se va termina, cocina va fi arsă

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iati ba pastilele

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Seething Moroccans

>iati ba pastilele
Singura pastilă pe care o voi lua e cea roșie

Dispari, algerian cretin!

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>he doesn't know about the roma

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>he doesn't know about the roma
What were you doing in ww2 besides fighting AGAINSF the extermination of gypsies and jews?

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If you think gypsies are worse than niggers or Jews then you need to get out more

>What were you doing in ww2 besides fighting AGAINSF the extermination of gypsies and jews?
not sure what you mean, Petain was sending all the romanian migrants in France to hitler to the gas chambers without Hitler ever asking him to do that, that's why he gets criticized so much, he went out of his way to give romanians and jews to gas to hitler even though he didn't have to

What romanian immigrants you fucking marrocan. Have fun in your 20% muslim and black country

>If you think gypsies are worse than niggers or Jews then you need to get out more
You dont know what gypsies are

>If you think gypsies are worse than niggers or Jews then you need to get out more
niggers throw chickenwing bones on the pavement, are loud and smell bad, also like 33% of them commit crime in their life

gypsies literally get 100% of their wealth from theft, they turn the place they live in into literal landfills of trash, their adult IQ is measure to be 70, 3 out of 4 romani child in school (lol) is tested to have strong mental retardation

gypsies are literally the people who were kicked out of india thousands of years ago, they were the people who were too shit for india itself

pic related is the image of a gypsy building
100% of gypsies just throw their trash from the window of the buildings they live in

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>What romanian immigrants you fucking marrocan.
Exactly, thanks to Petain they're mostly gone

though more came back after the war sadly

pic related, a camp of roumain migrants in france, there are often stories in the news about police destroying romanian camps

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>le niggers are... le okay!
>le white people are... LE REAL NIGGERS

>le white people are... LE REAL NIGGERS
Are you retarded? Gypsies are indians

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I am retarded, but, even I know gypsies are Indian nomads. Though Italy is 91% Italian and they complain more about the 4% that is non White then gypsies so there can’t be many gypsies if you catch my drift

Romanians going to france at that time were people like Emil Cioran and Mircea Eliade

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>>le white people
romanians aren't white people lmao

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Were your orphanages so terrible under Ceausie? My boomer coworker was in one of them in the late 70s early 80s and told me terrible things about it

>I am retarded, but, even I know gypsies are Indian nomads. Though Italy is 91% Italian and they complain more about the 4% that is non White then gypsies so there can’t be many gypsies if you catch my drift
Gypsies are not spread out, they all go to a city and suck it dry until they cant anymore and then they rinse and repeat

These are gypsies you dumb fucking frog, they are indians.

>Romanians going to france at that time were people like Emil Cioran and Mircea Eliade

Attached: Roumain.jpg (885x500, 89.95K)

>My boomer coworker was in one of them in the late 70s early 80s and told me terrible things about it
Yes, I dont know how he is even alive anymore. Most didn't live past 35

>These are gypsies you dumb fucking frog,
in French gypsies are called romanians, pretty sure it's the same for all the latin speaking countries

>in French gypsies are called romanians
"roumains" "romanichels", as in "gypsy" isn't a word in french, the word for gypsies is just romanian here

>in French gypsies are called romanians, pretty sure it's the same for all the latin speaking countries
Because some NGO decided that gypsy is offensive and they started calling them romani and now every gypsy from europe is romanian even if he is from slovakia or serbia.

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e adevarul

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So like 100,000 gypsies are robbing street walkers blind? How many are actual Romans though not gypsies?

>Because some NGO decided that gypsy is offensive
lol no, gypsy was never a word in french it has always been "roumain"

the libshit NGOs who say "roumain" is offensive push for the word "romanichel" instead, basically the guys you are talking about are just butthurt romanians in france who are mad we are aware of the truth that you are all gypsies

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I gotta say Romanian sounds hella kino its like scuffed latin

that's 9k too many fratelemeleu
Cioran lived all his life in France being supported by his french wife and writings books
pretty based

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