How to overcome living with your narcissitic boomer parents

who treats me like shit, gaslights me, victim blames me, tells me im worth nothing, fights me physically and verbally. im in my late 20s how do I turn this around and not fuck up the last 2/3rds of my life.

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For reference my parents are older boomer types who are losing their memory and I dont know if its the 3 fucking clot jabs they took but they arent the same people to me anymore. Id rather be homeless and commiting petty theft on the regular then staying at home.

Also they hate my politics obviously. They are leftists and im not. They make living there as hell as possible for me.

Join the army, I'm about to do the same to get away from my family

I try not take take anything boomers say seriously. They live in a bubble where the cost of a gallon of milk is still less than a $1 and you can buy a house and raise a family by working one minimum wage job.

We must be around the same age, my plan is to start a small business with my fiancé, we are currently working on a market garden farming buisness. My advice to you is find financial freedom first; ive worked for many different companies and had a few well paying positions, i would trade it all to have complete financial freedom. At this point in my life, im ready to work my ass off for only myself. Good luck with the parents, boomers are something special..

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Move out of your parents house you manchild leach.

You don't actually have to listen to them, you know that right?

How can I move out with no job prospects and just a HS diploma? You need a doctorate to even get a min wage job these days.

I dont, but they hold the keys to my car and take it away from me anytime they want, even though its my car. Without reliable transportation im boned.

>How to overcome living with your narcissitic boomer parents
>im in my late 20s
Get a job and move the fuck out. I know it's easier said than done, I'm in the exact same boat. But seriously man, you have to do something. Get some experience, get trained, education, whatever it takes. You might have to live with a couple retard roommates and that's up to you to decide who's worse, them or your parents.
Your only option is to get out. Do something, anything other than bitch on Any Forums and ask NEETs stupid questions like this.

Keep making excuses.

I refuse the vaccine. Perhaps when the Repubs win the midterms or in 2024 when the vax shit is dropped but until then im not joining.

When your legitimately trying everyday its not exuses its just a sign of the times. I wish for the collapse so I can live out my tactical fantasy like in the game ARMA.

Self-improve, save money, then move out. If you can't move out stay in the house as little as possible, get a job or hobby that keeps you outside and never interact with them only come home to sleep.

Thats all great and dandy but if your broke how does your ass pay for school.

Im trying to get to that point. Being out of the house as much as possible. But being white and male is a bad thing apparently in job searching

Perhaps my folks didnt realize that their son would turn out like this but hey life isnt fair and thats why antinatalism is based ina way.


Start beating them until they learn some manners.

How is it crying when life as a white guy is fucking terrible. I dont feel bad when people commit crimes down on their luck. Infact I sympathize with criminals who arent sociopaths who kill women and children. Thats fucked up beyond belief. But someone swiping some food from a gas station honestly like gimme a fucking break, its all insured.

You spend too much time on Any Forums. Being white isn't hard. If you wanted a job you can go get one. Go work retail. Save money. Move out.

Move out cunt you're too old to be living with your parents

Are you severely autistic or something?
Take your keys back. Xakjp

The same way everyone does, student loans. Just do your research into the career pathways, income potential and competition. Don't get some useless underwater basket weaving degree. Get something that will actually give you a chance to pay off the loans. That or trades, start as a laborer with a construction company or something and tell them you want to be a carpenter. There's also plumbing, welding, HVAC, flooring, drywall, electrical, auto tech, heavy duty tech, autobody. Hell you could learn to tune pianos, all the piano tuners are 70+, about to retire and desperate for young people to take over their business. There's a thousand opportunities, you just have to be smart and find them. Try them all until you find something you actually like to do, I did half the shit I just listed off and I'm almost 27.
Only took me 10 years after graduating high school to learn that I wanted to get into mining exploration so I'm studying geology to do that now and already have an in at 3 mining companies. Paying off my student loans won't be a problem, I'm not worried one bit.
Just figure it the fuck out man, it's possible, you just have to try, and try hard as fuck because it's not easy.

Yeah that would devolve into a physical fight I dont want to have. My parents are fucking nuts.

At that age, with that level of trauma, probably military so you can at least organise your mind

You're in your fucking 20s you unbelievable sperg.
Take your God damn keys back and stop being such an autistic pussy.

That you let your parents treat you like this for so long is why they still do it. Grow a fucking spine.

Il just quietly move once I have the money to leave and just cut them off for a couple years.