White people are spiritually dead

Random black people were given an LGBTQ lighter... their reactions show that black folk are loud and proud about hating faggots:



Blacks are so openly anti-fag they will spew hate about fags after being given a pink lighter:


Black people flip the hell out when called gay names. White people, even anti-fag ones, would just scowl at the worst and smile and laugh would be the most common reaction:


Say what you want about black people but their instincts about faggotry are dead on.

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chicago niggas are gay af, chicago probably has more trannies than atlanta

Explain these reactions then

Insecurity, high estrogen levels

>feral low, IQ nigger creatures have expected reaction
>average Any Forums poster: LE ZOMG BASED, NIGGERS ARE MY FRENDS NOW!11!
sometimes I feel like hanging out on this board was a mistake.

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Chicago gay pride parades are white as fuck. Google image it by year for a laugh.

dumbass blacks are allowed to behave however they want. Whites have to behave like slaves or get in trouble.

>Average low t Any Forums user thinks righteous fury against faggotry is low IQ when white people 50 years ago would lynch people for faggotry

You know nothing about black dl culture. Now go jack off to blacked porn, Chang.

imagine looking up to niggers because they get emotionally upset at a prank. LOL. If you're not a nigger in real life, I would be surprised, even leftoids aren't this overt about nigger-dick riding.

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>White people are spiritually dead
Yes and it's because they've abandoned Christ.

I haven't watched porn in two years. And yeah the black community has a lot of fags and trannies but the difference is they are ostracized unlike in white culture. Also why would I want to know about black dl culture? Enlighten me black faggot studies professor.

No, we aren't. Also:
>Any Forums is one person

>Noooo you can't just recognize the good attributes in other races!
If I say Nordics are creative geniuses am I "dick-riding" (there's that fag talk you love) or am I simply stating an observation.

Blacks, on average, have better intact anti-faggot instincts. End of story. Cope all you want.

no thanks

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LMAO even the masked niggers didn't want it

Whites are pure cucks

yeah the average people of any race are low IQ (average = incredibly retarded next to a smart person)

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Could just peel the fag sticker off of it really.

there are no good attributes when it comes to non-whites. That is a universally accepted fact, the only people who deny it are...niggers....hmmmm I am pretty sure you're a nigger lurker like the walmart poster.

kek these people can't even negotiate simple interactions at a gas station without chimping

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I guarantee all those niggers have been punked out in jail.


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it's the type of reaction you get from people who were raised by single moms.
emotionally lashing out at jokes is peak femininity, a trait commonly shared among men with no fathers.

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True but are you saying really smart people are pro faggot?

You sound a lot more like the walmart poster than me buddy. You're impotently raging because I posted videos of non-whites hating faggots.

It's caused by a little something called testosterone but I doubt you know what that is.

>Disrespect is just jokes bro
You're the problem with society. Do you know what white people would have done if somebody called them gay 50 years ago? Even 20 years ago? You're already conditioned to shrug it off like the little faggot condoner you are.

>Don gimmie dah gayass VGA litah

t. "man" with no father


t. the "man" who lets people call him faggot and does nothing about it

LOL. Oh yeah, you're a nigger. Tell me how sloped is the front of your skull? I prefer faggots over niggers any day of the week, in fact I believe every single nigger man, woman and child should be rounded up and shot. Simple as, m8.

a superficial element effects the lower IQ with a higher emotional response
if you gave me a lighter and 'it worked as a lighter' it could say 'the wielder of this ligher is gay' and i would still consider it 'working' it doesn't effect 'me' that it says that or 'looks a certain way' if it works
>children are aware gays aren't considered normal
niggers have the intelligence of a child is what you're telling me and this should be applauded I guess

Everyone hates faggots
Every One
But whites cannot say a shit because muh privilege
And niggers can
Simple as

the BEST of America on display
are these people and this culture worth fighting and dying for?

severely closeted homosex. Niggas gay.

>impotently fantasizes about mass murder
>faggots are le based white brothers
>Ugh he said blacks have a single redeeming trait he must be a homophobe!

You earn your respect. If you walk around letting people calling you a faggot then you deserve no respect.

Whites have become emasculated and pussified. Blacks are more violent and that is admirable.

I'm sorry but how would the average Australian react? Not with this much anger at faggotry.

>Everyone hates faggots
>Every One
Lmao, you obviously don't interact with many Americans.


ya'll are booboos and mcfluffies here

niggers have higher rates of homosexuality, bisexuality and sexually transmitted diseases that are prevalent in faggots than any other race. they react angrily because they lack any kind of self-control. a white man gets called a faggot and realizes that acting out is a waste of time and moves on with his day. stop idolizing dark minded npcs.

If they think niggers have any redeemable traits then it is because they're a niggers themselves, ya know, simple as.

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I KIND OF UNDERSTAND because even someone who isn't homophobic doesn't want to be mistaken as gay. However, it is no secret that blacks are one of the most homophobic groups there are, besides muslims.

It pisses me off because I'm a literal faggot and I keep getting told "we need to address racism in the gay community, we need to add black and brown to the flag!"

>can't handle being called meanie words and he actually gets mad
lmao you are literally a child throwing a tantrum because the other kid called you a pee pee face

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Shut yo fruity ass up ugly ass nigga. Ole' dusty ass nigga

>Oh no some rando said words to me
>better fight him
This attitude is why nigger schools, communities, and countries are so abysmally shitty. This is also why blacks as a race have no future.

No a white man guards his respect to the death. White people used to fucking duel each other over impolite gestures.

Shuddup you goofy donald duck lookin ass nigga

>niggers vs. faggots
Wait, how is any of this my problem exactly?

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k pumpkinpie

niggers are loud in general, they’ll act that way about anything. just because it happens to align with what makes sense doesn’t mean niggers are any less worse or any less retarded

What would you do if somebody called you a faggot in front of your wife? Sulk away and meekly avert your eyes?

>Any Forums is one person
but, you arent me?