Remember when SCI FI was for white geeks and nerds

Remember when SCI FI was for white geeks and nerds.

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Sci Fi is still one of the best genres ripe for subversion of the Bolshevic narrative, Westworld for instance is the new Angry Birds.


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They want to steal your peace of mind.

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>Remember when SCI FI was for white geeks and nerds.
(quality) scifi was made BY white geeks and nerds

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No. Pretty space graphics and silly CGI characters doesn't make something scifi.

They want to steal your peace of mind.

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Even if all the characters were white men, Star Trek Discovery would still be a DeeDee Megadoodoo

Kelsey Grammar would have been a great captain with his own show. Star Trek Fraisier.

Some of the writing is good, but the usual narcissistic themes of the woke are starting to creep in like everything post true Cannon Star Trek(post William Shatner).

Still possible, but not woke enough.

I’m imagining the Eames captains chair right now…

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watch how he casts like a retard "fly fishing"

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>a show where he played a Capitan in the post-original cast movies/pre-ST:TNG timeframe, the Frasier cast including his dad as an Admiral that always criticizes him and Daphne as his comm officer nobody can understand

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Fag wrists and does not know how to transfer energy from the ground.

idk dude, looks like nothing of value was lost

Niels the autist would replace Data.
Apparently his dad on the show lived in the same building as my aunt in Oak Park and was frequently seen leaving his apartment to go shopping in full drag. Don’t know if it was a prank or disguise or if he just enjoyed it.

all actors are fags

True, but some try to hide when the leave the house. From the way I heard it reminded me of Thomas Pynchon more than he was getting his kicks out of it.


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I would like a kelsey grammer trek.