June will be a crazy ass month

It will be very very insane
Trust me
Save this thread

Attached: MorningSunBringsHeat.png (1275x717, 1.18M)

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Will destroy all narratives

Yeah im in arizona so its going to be like your picrel

High chance of more shootings than ever
More than just gun control
More than just trying to take over manufacturers

My birthdays in June you're all invited for hot chocolate :)

Blackouts coming

Well.......................... shit.

Attached: 1646459232679.jpg (1024x1024, 150.14K)

Evidence? And why are you creditable?

Attached: 983.jpg (1600x900, 250.67K)

Just an operator

JUne sounds like JEWne and JEWS RAPE KIDS so ohFUCK

44dont know about those digits but happy bday and all the blessings

Truly i tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

It was supposed to happen in may and it didn't happen.
Show proof now


every summer for the past 2 yrs
has been batshit insane
as the temperatures rise,
so do niggers' hot tempers

Attached: chicago memorial day wkend 2022 50 shot.jpg (1472x2047, 401.7K)

Yeah, just like that [insert catastrophe here] that was supposed to kill us last [insert time period here]?


Nobody cares about shootings in Chicago.


They will be coming for the christians harder than ever before

subliminal manipulation and scripting can be triggered by a nano-bot injected via CV19 vaccines, activated by an external electronic signal.

Pete Navarro to
CISA admitting machines are hackable


Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x266, 24.12K)


Attached: HackableAdmission.png (1013x1280, 1.26M)

So you actually have nothing concrete.


You mean the biblical flood?


This reads like some positive revelations will come out about exposing the election fraud

Then you say
Why? More false flag shootings? Supreme Court abortion decision?

WTF is going on man, why does it seem like they are trying to bait the masses into a civil war against one another?

Any proof of this? Seems pretty out there and I have been hearing this for the last 2 years and nothing has happened. Couldn't people easily disable something like that inside them? It seems like it could be easily disrupted, if it were true.

They are baiting anyone they can to start it up for a huge blood bath, get the guns, call in the UN and Military to do round ups. They know investigations and lawsuits will fuck them, it's the better timeline than the other type of revolution.
This one started on Nov 3rd 2016