What are the political implications of LED lights in public spaces?

They are interrupting the life cycle of insects, therefore, affecting plants, thus, damaging bird populations, and blaming cats for the "loss of biodiveristy". Who is doing this?

Attached: 1654310850117m.jpg (1024x472, 54.63K)

Jews rape kids and will take much clearer photographs of their demented deeds

>everything is some JJJJOOOOOOOOOOISHHHH conspiracy

meds. Now.

Shut up, Ezra

> literally soul/soulless

>They are interrupting the life cycle of insects
I never thought of that, how are insects affected by the higher frequencies emitted by the cheap LED pieces of shit? Like a proper study from an insectologist(?) or similar?
Sodium lamps are "friendly" that way, small spectrum, unobtrusive frequency.

Fucking hate led lighting so much

LED is vastly superior to any other form of lighting. Don't know why blinding blue/white is so popular when you can get LED in any color temperature. The technology is amazing people just use it poorly.

I hate Orange lights so much, and yellow lights too,
Fuck that boomer shit.
White light cool and if you don't like it then you are a nigger or a jew.

Good thing guys like you are watching our for us all. Insectologist.

> objects to new technology that is objectively better and cheaper than old tech because *shuffles deck* *draws card* “it’s confusing animals”

When I lived in vegas we got this bullshit a long time ago. Fuck those lights it is just too bright I really don't see the benefit besides them probably lasting much longer you could see just fine with hids. TOO BRIGHT

This, I've bought warm lights for my house because they are objectively better than cold light

The ones my city bought are turning purple over time.

The orange lights are so cozy…being half asleep in the back of your family’s car all tuckered out from being a carefree kid playing all day and driving home from your cousins place back to your cozy bed, looking out the window or watching the orange light pass over everything in the car hypnotizing you to a nice innocent sleep, not a care in the world…

>Who is doing this?
Got my handy chart here that shows Jews really hate cats. Makes you think.

Attached: jews and cats.jpg (807x463, 64.01K)

>road is wet, it is drizzling outside
>can hear the "swoosh" of a car going by every so often

i love LEDs for my car and outdoors but filaments are so much comfier for indoor homey spaces

I can't sleep because they light up your window from 100 yards and if there's a tree or something the swaying branches cause a strobe effect. They install the cheapest blue light ones which is the problem. They could do something easier on the eyes but that cuts into the amount they can steal from taxpayers.

I hate it, anything that doesn't replicate sunlight or firelight/candlelight is too cold in public; except where it's necessary for display, and neon signs are also excepted.

I have HIDs for my high beams for when faggots leave their high beams on without a care, then i blind the fuck out of them

>trying to play your original Game Boy as the cozy orange street lights pass across the screen
>being carried into the house by your Mom feeling safe & sound in her arms, because you’re too tuckered out to even stand
>waking up all tucked in not even fully remembering how you got from the car to your bed
>drifting off back to sleep dreaming about all the fun things you did this summer and will do the rest of the summer before school starts up again

>makes absolutely NO mention of hebew deeds
>why you blaming little ole moishe?
every fucking time.

Just get blackout curtains.

I like that the LEDs mean carjackers, deer, etc are visible from further away

Doing the lord's work, user.

knew a dude who did this as well. He stopped when he blinded some whore and she plowed right into his truck