99% of trannies are MEN

The female hatred I see espoused on this board is amusing to me
90 percent plus of those disgusting troons are MALES
You literally commit suicide just to fucking emulate us, it consumes you
You go to war and get your fucking legs blown off just so we can chill out and get some dick while you writh in the dirt like a fucking worm

Stay the fuck out of female spaces you motherfucking troons( AKA MEN), you fucking disgust me.

Sincerely, an actual fucking female.

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based womyn
now pull up your socks and do a mans job for once.

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What happened to you to make you hate men so much?

Men sign up to go to war while Women laugh and do some easy shit to slide by

You dumb worker ants are pigs for the slaughter lol
Fuckk i love this shit sometimes haha

I researched crime statistics and realize that men are a plague upon this earth in every definable metric

I was going to agree with you... until this
>If every retarded Maletoid ape dropped fucking dead the world would be a better place
>Honestly I would give up dick and become a lesbian if it meant men dying out globally
>You are the true niggers of the human species, if we can even consider males human
Women never change, they can call themselves feminists, or supremacist, or "trad" the only thing they aspire to is to kill the white man, responsible, according to them, of a state oppressing them... truly, woman , you're disgusting me, stop being a shame to my kind, thanks.

Woups... Well, it's not my real flag but it makes what i said even funnier

Women chose this outcome, enjoy it you disgust fronthole.


I dont want to kill the white man
I want to kill ALL men.
including you, achmed.

The best part is dumbfucks like you would do it for me

Feminist women are a poison to the well-being of our society desu, nothing good can happen until they're allowed to keep this "position".

Good, but i'm a woman, so? Do I need to die as well because i'm not on your side? kek, crazy radicalist, here what you are.

You are not a real woman.
Move along faggot stop pretending

i am giving you the male attention you have sought, so that you may receive the dicking you desperately need

post feet

Feet pics?

Get over here
And get the movie.

Exactly, also, when you blame men for everything going in your life, especially contributing to some of it, if not most of it. Now, we have this dumbass bitching about it; you made your bed, now sleep in it- also, happy pride month!

Misandry is actually cringe you sound like a child complaining about their parents, actually you don't sound like a women at all

>99% of trannies are MEN
I'm sure you're exaggerating, but in any case the hormone imbalance caused by estrogens in plastics and shit is responsible for the higher number of men that troon out.
you bitches play a part in it, estrogens from the contraceptives you take is released through piss and ends up in the water supply.
>Birth-control pills could add 10 million doses of hormones to our wastewater every day. Some of that estrogen may wind up in our taps.


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