
>Pres. Andrew Jackson regarded the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification as a clear threat to the federal union and to national authority. He reacted by submitting to Congress a Force Bill authorizing the use of federal troops in South Carolina if necessary to collect tariff duties.
Why does Any Forums and southerners respect Andrew Jackson, a Freemason who threatened to raze South Carolina for discussion secession and not paying high tariffs, but hate Lincoln, a non-Freemason who didn't respond to secession and southern aggression until they fired the first shot?

Attached: Grand_Master_Andrew_Jackson.jpg (240x300, 34.67K)

Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice, giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake.

Explain this riddle.

Attached: GGtemp.png (1965x1599, 201.11K)

my man
cause he telegraphed like a proper military man

>fired the first shot
>what was the revenue cutter Harriet Lane doing to ships around fort sumter

Mostly because he got rid of the National Jew bank and balanced the budget. I think it was the last time we had a balanced budget. But yeah, he was a fag.

Tariffs are vital to domestic industry, refusing to collect tariffs is treasonous.

You see the thing you dont realize is that Sneed sells feed and seed, but chuck? Only the fuck-n-suck.

You are clearly a Yankee. Fuck off.

>>fired the first shot
>>what was the revenue cutter Harriet Lane doing to ships around fort sumter
Not firing upon them. Any reasonable person would agree that the United States was still allowed to access its federally owned fort and sail in its waters.

Oh shit, here comes the Yankees and vs Dixieland thread that always hits bump limit and is meant to divide us.

because he actively killed jews
>what % of the confederate congress was jewish?

Sounds pretty based to me. You always kill a traitor before an enemy.

He fought the banks and that's good enough for me.

Stop trying to divide Americans up with your shit shill thread.


Stfu yanky fag.

I support tariffs and hate the Federal Reserve.

Free trade is a jewish plot against the white man and it's fucking obvious.

Attached: Federal_taxes_by_type.jpg (2760x690, 263.22K)

>National Jew bank
How was the Independent Treasury less Jewish the Second National Bank?
>because he actively killed jews
He didn't though.
>He fought the banks and that's good enough for me.
He fought the Second National Bank specifically. He was supportive of the Independent Treasury and State Banks.

Shut your filthy babydick sucking mouth about Old Hickory, shlomo

nigger nigger chicken dinner

Jackson was dead when the Independent Treasury was established.

No, it was supported by him and established during Van Buren, only to be repealed by the Whigs. It was later reestablished by Polk.

This board turns into reddit whenever this overrated borderline traitor is mentioned. If you want to look up to someone, there’s plenty of good men in the South

You’re trying to “play to the crowd” way too hard, fellow Any Forumsack

absolutely based post