Australians freeze to death

>Australian sheep could die due to the polar winds coming from Antarctica
>Australians embrace a cold start to the winter with some areas reaching to temperatures as low as -2 degrees

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Yeah it's "polar winds from Antarctica" and not 5-eyes weather manipulation.

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will the cold kill these deadly fuckers?

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God's wrath for the lockdowns and forced vaxxes

If sheep can survive in the fucking falklands somehow I think they’ll be ok in 99% of australia

you think 25 degrees is hot

shit it's going to be a freezing 28 degrees celsius here
I had better rug up

Hey lads im a graziers son from near jindy , why was there no media about the same thing last year? is it because people were locked out of the snowy mountain region and no tourism=no publicity ? also these winds happen every year and stock loss is inevitable but easy to minimalise by marching them inside.

20C is considered extreme cold here, -2 people start dying

Checked. SPBP

sheepbros... it's over

you know australia is incredibly Hot because the ocean between antartica and australia, the ocean warms the air, if there were land connecting us we would be one of the coldest places on earth

almost a year to the day polar breezes kicked up causing low altitude snowfall. the media is going balls to the wall making every weather event sound catastrophic.

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>polar winds
Where da fuck you people think the poles are?


Mother fucker it’s June, how the fuck are you abbos freezing?

Wait it's Christmas in Australia?
Ok it's a kyle themed thread

Albo is fucking amazing
After years of the Libs doing fuck all to fix global warming, Albo has fixed it in just two weeks as PM
So glad we voted this guy PM

It's winter?

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We can just import some cheap Kiwi workers to fuck them during winter. Get the old ticker pumping to warm them up.