This video got my nigger fatigue at his peak

This video got my nigger fatigue at his peak

I'm not even going to explain just watch it

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Nice VPN Xi

Yeah, idk why they don't use water ya know lol...

white fragility

thats classic gumbo. looks delicious.

Why are white people deathly afraid of seasoning? It's truly astonishing how allergic they are to any sort of flavor.

They truly believe that raw chicken has "natural flavor". The absolute state of whites.

Kek, no monkey brains..Fatigue, not fragility.

When I call you a nigger to your face, you WILL chimp out like a sensitive little faggot. That’s peak fragility, nigger.

you want actual nigger fatigue?

try moving to a good area, only to have niggers move in a few years later, and then robberies start massively increasing

Just fucking why? Orange and lemon juice? Why nothing just everything spice.
>we wuz balancing flavors
They're just pouring random sit into a vat
>it's platinum manz
God, I hate niggers.
>it's rady!
None of that shit looks cooked.
I hoped they all died of food poisoning.

You do realize white concurred half the world for spices along, right nigger brains?

Seems wholesome to me.

Jews rape kids

whats your problem? i would eat that

this the mf who says you don't season your food

Then why don't they use all those spices gained in those wars?

>not posting a webm

crawfish boil is good asl bro why u trippin cuh

Seems like a charming video to me. I sentence you to sit next to pic related on your next plane flight to find out what REAL fatigue is like. MmmmHmmmm!

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yoooooo niggers didn’t devein the shrimp! They’re smashed on a bunch of shrimp shit top kek!

You're a bugman. Of course you'd eat nigger food.

that's a lot of food stamps

Yes lawd. Lemme show you how we purge dem crawfish one mo' gen.

youd eat a dead rat on the side of the raod bugman

here is a classic swedish dish Flygande Jakob
enjoy pol ;)

NGL nigga, dey be livin large

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what are the odds this was 100% funded by EBT?

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You can smell it on the phone, nigga.