Beating children

what are the political implications of the social taboo about hitting and harsh punishment as a educational correction?

are children less disciplined and respectful without harsh education or are they better off for it?

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your mom

that is why you are retarded, your drunken parents have hit your head too much times and your brain got damaged

Not one part of our society should be respected. Things got the way they are now because people respect things that aren't their own decision making process too much.

If you have to hit your kid to prove something is wrong instead of verbally you're just a bad parent.

If you have to beat your kid to discipline them they were probably retarded from the start

I’m for hitting your wife but against hitting your kids.

my parents should have beat me more,

i'm waiting for someone to say "my parents beat me and i turned out fine" but they post here

This thread from Any Forums a while back really opened my eyes about corporal punishment; I think it's really worth a read for anyone curious about the topic.

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my cousin is a giant asshole who treats all of his elders like shit doesn't give a fuck about school and is always making snappy comments at everyone
i truly think that if his parents wont hit him or discipline him in any kind of way he would get stabbed if he treats someone who isn't family this way

Hitting your child is what a lazy parent does. I've only resorted to spanking my child for extreme cases of disobedience or bad behavior.

we already tie them to circumstraint boards and rip off half their penis for no reason, what' s a little beating ontop of it when they act up for not behaving the way we expect them to despite the fact they were ripped from the void and forcefully placed into a flesh prison?

Hitting/smacking/spanking children is not the way to go. That just tells them if they do something they're going to get punished for it, it does not teach them why what they are doing is wrong. It's really just a sociopathic old person thing. Thankfully it's being phased out and even illegal in some places.

>discipline child
>send your kids to behavioral therapy so they can hop them up on SSRIs and/or be brainwashed to hate you
choice seems pretty clear to me

You should hit your kid at least once in my opinion. Not to punish him or as a regular thing, but to teach him that physical violence is always an option when he's being a cunt and that he'll spend most of his life with an absurdly powerful person looking over his shoulder, telling him what to do and who'll fuck him up in total impunity if he doesn't : you, his employer, his landlord, the cops, the local drug lord, etc.

Just take one afternoon when he's 13 or so and beat the shit out of him to show him what it's like, there's way too many people out there doing dumb things because they've never been in a fight at all at 20

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I knew a Jewish psychologist who on very rare occasions would pull his young sons' hair when they were badly misbehaving, because "it doesn't leave a mark". His kids were generally well-behaved and pretty cool.

Just let bullying happen it’s a natural pecking order which works as it’s dynamic and changes every age group and constructs rational human beings whilst weeding out psychotic ones and also puts people in their place.

>when you need violence to educate your child
>you are the problem!

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my religiois step dad belted me every other day for years
i still have scars on my back from the worst of it, 2 decades later
it only served to make me hate him and made a healthy, mutual relationship for us completely impossible
it did not make me more of a disciplined person or had any positive impact on my behavior at all
he was a weak man, not fit to be a parent

Did you see the video of 3 kids harassing an old man at Home Depot?

i pile drive and suplex my daughter. she bounces back just fine and the behavior problem that brought it about never happens again.

>he was a weak man
he kicked your ass

>kicking ass of a child
>is a weak man!

he was 40, i was 7
i hope you haven't and don't experience that helplessness, powerlessness and pain in your life

Summarize it in one sentence or I don't give a shit

everybody needs a good ol beating imo; puts you in place