Reminder that this is the plan

Reminder that this is the plan.

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America's secret weapon against china is social implosion? lol Imagine anyone actually believing anything any politician or media whore hast to say at this point.

You know what competes against China? Not sending the entire wealth of our Nation to buy cheap consumer goods. Every time we buy cheap Chinese crap, we directly fund the CCP and grow the Chinese middle class.

this will never change when you have people like mcconnell married to the fucking ccp literally and pelosi and her ilk fuckin investing in their factories

we have degenerated individual self worth with rampant social media abuse, pornography, "inclusion" that defeats the pursuit of excellence, and other liberal horse shit.

we're toast

>Not sending the entire wealth of our Nation to buy cheap consumer goods.
Better use of $ than just giving it all to ukraine

It's all the same shit, it's our political elite serving (or being a direct part of) the oligarchy and exfiltrating the wealth of our nation (citizens) and our jobs to foreign countries in the name of lining their pockets.

the statement was made to be sarcastic

china likely created that adspace.

Yes, the tower of Babel worked so well the last time too.

They have been actively, and admittedly (with russia), engaging in social warfare in America for decades. They want us diverse so that we are less cohesive, it's so easy to see and the way that their political/media operatives have created racism/bigotry as the ultimate evil, even worse than murder, is actually quite masterful.

Trust the plan, trust the new order of barbarians.

That's the biggest hoax of all. There is no war with China. There will never be any war with China. Modern China literally exists to be the vassal manufacturing state of America. America doesn't even need to go to "war" with the shithole. All it has to do is just withdraw its entire infrastructure from the country and China will depopulate to 1/3 its current size and the American goverment would be overthrown almost overnight trying to figure out a way to suppress wages even further while still getting the manufacturing infrastructure to somehow work to make cheap plastic shit for consumers at inflated prices.

This is literally 1984 bullshit.

yes, good question.
how ?

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>Modern China literally exists to be the vassal manufacturing state of America

This is it, they were "blessed" with the ability to do what they do now, nearly all their manufacturing was created off the back of western investment and collaboration. They agreed to do it because they'd still be living in a shit dump if it wasn't for the americans.

There wont be any real war with china, china is a partner in the globohomo program.

Meanwhile China has leaked - and never disavowed - their stance that multiculturalism will end the west. Not war, not famine, not unrest. Bitches in hijabs designing airplanes.

"compete" in this context means lowering US wages and its a policy called globalism that's been going on for 60 years. Its not a plan against whites, its a relic of geostrategic cold war policy.

Boomers sent their own jobs off, the US doesn't print money to invest in chinese factories they use retirement accounts that are part of hedge funds to do it.

Interestingly a topic for discussion at this years bilderberg group meeting (currently underway until the 5th of june in switzerland surrounded by a small army).

The topic is "deglobalization", now, i dont know what the context of that is, but it's there.

...look, in case of germany, send all the freeloaders who get paid housing, food and medicare into production facilities and let them build all the shit that is produced in china! we already pay them, why should they not work for this?

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Diversity: "The less we have in common, the stronger we are"

finding anagrams again. this is not fun.

when they things miserable enough, the people start begging for it. globalism still cares, but only if you're serious enough and can sacrifice a few rights to show you're serious.

China needs the us fleet to bring its oil from the mideast food from the europe/usa/aus. A blockade would ruin it instantly. It seems like there was a flood of cheap raw materials flooding the market after the soviet collapse combined with cheap money from the US that our government was ideologically opposed to controlling the flow of and china's creation was an accident instead of a western plan.

this is what i wish we did with our homeless, i wish we had giant plots of government owned farmland and the dregs of society could be sent there to make food. then if the junky hobos resisted they get sent to prison or fuckin continuously shipped to interior alaska until they shape up or die

China is 100% encouraging this by any means it can kek.

America will lose this war and that's unironically a good thing. America is an evil nation.

>Reminder that this is the plan.
The plan is White genocide
They made that plan when we were still an uncontested superpower
Now it's contested again, and they have no clue what to do
They can't roll back White genocide, but they may put the brakes on it until they're back on top
They're trying to roll back the tranny stuff, we'll see if they can do it or not

because you pay them to replace you, not to work

western politicians are fuckin sick man, god damn it makes me angry

>our homeless

...the people who get homeless(natives in germany very common that germans are homeless while immigrants live compfy) are in struggle by themself! its the never ending immigration i am talking about. why feed, house and care for millions of assholes who give a eternal shit about the native population, and buy cheap shit from china, when this millions could produce the worthless shit right on spot!

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They think its ending because of demographics and the inevitable shift in US politics away from intervention. China will probably stay at a middle world economy level and there won't be another 30 year "chinese economic miracle" in some other shit hole like india or africa. Companies are going to come back to america because the labor cost per unit of productively is now cheaper here than china, they've had 10% yearly wage growth for decades. Immigration basically stopped last year because we've taken everyone from mexico they have to send already with their slowing growth rate. Trump was just early to the game.

you're correct, we should completely end immigration and put our own people to work. it's a fuckin shame.