The countdown has officially begun

Was this a smart move by the right, or a mistake? Either way they’ve spent 40 years setting this up, so it’s exactly what they asked for

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Inc._v._Bruen

>that stupid reply
Nigger, there will literally be food shortages, constant blackouts and inflation over 12% in the coming months.

What the fuck does "overturning Gun violence" mean?

>the right didn't think this through
what did the fat guy mean by that? why would he think republicans pre meditated and affected this?

>gun violence
Just call them niggers

Judges aren’t political. Or they shouldn’t be.

RvW is not a hill people are gonna die on when the economy is on fire. If the economy was fine it'd be a bigger issue. If you can't afford gas to drive to kill your baby then are your questions not answered?

>overturning gun violence
lol how? what fucking case, retard?

>33 remaining cases
so tiresome

they are completely and entirely bewildered that the right is actually playing for keeps in the culture war. they honestly thought that they could continue their march of progress unopposed forever

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33 cases?

didn't even catch that

overtuning roe = 1
gun violence = 2
2 factors he is citing for his grief. he thinks the people will be so upset about those 2 things that they will 'vote blue no matter who' to satiate their anger.
I guess, anyway

>the right
Not the abysmal decisions made by the uniparty to keep itself in power

Right, but he seems to be implying that one of the SCOTUS ruling will be Roe v Wade, which we already knew. But he then implies another ruling will be around guns. Fucking how? Did someone somehow file something that will invalidate McDonald v Chicago?

I believe this may be ebonics. I shall attempt to translate. Ahem.
"The Supreme Court is overturning Roe v. Wade, and there is an abundance of gun violence happening (implication is said violence is committed by the 'right'). The right did not plan well for the midterms in their timing of returning the decision of abortion to the states, while also committing murders with a high degree of media coverage."
Yeah, doesn't make much more sense when translated.

Disbanding the ATF

You severely underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter.

No, it's the concealed carry case in the 2nd circuit. The gun case is NYSRPA vs Bruen in terms of concealed carry licensing. A favorable 2nd A ruling would most likely turn all may issue states into shall issue states.,_Inc._v._Bruen

They refuse to see. And this is why ignorance is no excuse, it's not that they couldn't know it is that they choose to ignore because they love their lies more. This has all been written

The Fed has decided to crash the economy before the election. This is a political favor to Republicans by chairman Powell. The severe downturn will be blamed on Dems. Republicans will win in the biggest red wave of our lifetime.

Dumb question: why is it a political favor by Powell? Does he have some sort of obligation he needed to fulfill or something?

>midterms to be determined by events in early summer
not likely

So basically either New York remains a draconian hellhole, or their citizens actually get carry rights asserted. He must be really fucking coping to think that the outcome will affect the rights of anyone outside New York. Then again, anyone still anti-gun at this point has only cope to assuage their impotent rage. The last three decades have demonstrated that Americans aren't giving up their guns anytime soon and the fever dreams of the "we're coming to take them" crowd are as deluded as the "IT IS MA'AM" troons.

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politics are over, im just preparing for the war that is inevitable.

i came when the greens did.

get a load of this naive retard.

I am honestly hoping and praying for a hard pro-2A ruling as I'm stuck in the more liberal parts of California. Having concealed carry legal in all states would be a damned good thing, especially since the courts already say that police do not have to protect individuals.

Hell, even the courts upheld the police don't have to do shit from a case stemming from the Parkland shootings in Florida:


>I'm stuck in the more liberal parts of California
Dude...move. Get the fuck out. At least move upstate. Admittedly this is a little hypocritical as I've been stuck in fucking Madison, Wisconsin for the last 15 years, but the most left-wing city in the Midwest is a paradise compared to fucking California enclaves of progressivism.

Women only care about being able to kill their babies, they'll die for the right to murder their children.

it's ironic when they make shall issue concealed carry in New York the same month they outlaw civilian ownership of armor vest

It’s the Economy, stupid

I went to grocery store and there are no shortages. Things are a bit more expensive but I got a 20% raise in march.

I fucking love being a tech worker in the US. I really feel sorry for wagies.

>t. Indian h1b remote worker making 200k/y in small midwest town

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