Conservatives making hate films about trans people

>conservatives making hate films about trans people
>conservatives attempting to pass laws banning trans people from existing
>conservatives attempting to change sports rules to forbid trans people from playing
>conservatives talking about trans people 24/7 365 days a year rent-free

But we’re still here. I’m surviving and thriving. Doesn’t it get exhausting to do all this and yet accomplish nothing?

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We don't need to do anything.
You animals have a habit of solving it for us by age 32.

>But we’re still here.
only 50% and you will never breed so you take yourself out of the gene pool thankfully. So 50% chance you will suicide, how does that feel?

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>conservatives attempting to change sports rules to forbid trans people from playing
conservatives aren't terfs we reject women's sports entirely

>You animals have a habit of solving it for us by age 32.

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Oh like you did to the unvaxxed?


Yeah, I don’t care if you freaks live or die. You won’t reproduce and pass on the shitty genes. That’s all I care about.


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>>conservatives attempting to pass laws banning trans people from existing
Fuck off with your stupid conspiracy shit. All I heard is that the poor trans faggots were going to be put in box cars and sent to camps as soon as Trump enters office. Stop listening to libshit faggots. None of this is true, they just want low info voters to vote straight ticket D. It seems to be working because you post this garbage.


Maybe drag queen story hour at the library was a bad idea, huh?

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1 post by this ID

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Wrong. They do pass on genes when they molest and rape your kids. Then the kid is damaged biologically and his or her decedents become fags. Sounds like superstition? Dont care. Its called blood memory and its real.

Shit. Forgot pic.

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surviving what, your own suicidal fantasies? lmao

Y'all pushed your luck and now you're getting a taste of the boot.

As it should be.

also what does the rent free thing means?

I am so fucking disconnected from this world, I had zero clue trans people were being represented in media with the ugliest people imaginable begging for attention

Life is literally so fuckin easy when you're short, attractive, not a fuckin weirdo and dress like an adult not a 30 year old teenager. I hate kids, I don't want any: I get weirded the fuck out when other trannies get excited over GCS developments. Like, cool - you can breast feed. That's fuckin weird. I just wanna pay my taxes, inject my estrogen, and die a rock and roll style death at age 90.

I'm literally too cool to experience transphobia every day. Helps I'm in commiefornia but not being hideous is definitely why I'm actually really happy

Worst part is I can't even talk shit about Israel because everyone gets so fuckin touchy about the subject and assume I'm talking about Jewish people (even tho I kinda am lol)

I also fuckin hate conservatives too, but I can't stand liberals

God it feels weird just observing all you apes slap each other around when the Jew is the real problem.

Wait normal people DON'T want creeps turning their kids into mutilated sex zombies? How did this happen?

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trannies aren't tomboys
if you want to do male activities because you've always wanted to meld with a male identity/community then you've missed the whole point of tomboyism, which is a woman acting in unladylike fashion because she doesn't see the fucking point

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The solution to the transgender/homosexual problem is to literally not acknowledge them and dismantle mass media that does. They don’t reproduce, don’t raise families, and are governed by a hedonistic lifestyle and are therefore deadends for the nation. If we were in late collapse instead of mid-decline you would see that these issues would completely disappear in the face of actual problems.

>I’m here
You won’t be here for long

We'll get you groomers eventually and find you proper mental health. Don't worry we'll help you whether you want it or not.

post bussy then

Exactly right, and this is why we'll win in the long run. The doomer crowd thinks we're losing because we're not driving to trans people's houses and shooting them while we burn down the white house. It's a long game fellas. In 20-30 years the new generations will be packing away the gen z crowd into freshly minted insane asylums