Are Mormons and Mormonism that bad?

Every single time i hear about them they talk bad about them, why are they so hated? They can't be that bad?

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Oh it is; its a cult! Your never be in good standing with the church until total submission
! Then except to be constantly tested. Its not just a Sunday service!

Following church hierarchy isn't a requirement of Mormonism or being closer to God.

Devil worshippers, frauds, whores, liars and degenerates. Run away. Run far, far away

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But you wont get your own planet!

Mormons are scientology-lite. They stalk you. Gang stalk. They even report you if you drink coffee since it's banned by their kooky laws.

Also look up soaking.

I grew up Mormon in Utah. Their doctrine sucks and their leaders are dickheads

Yes, but in an instable world, isn't that the choice; loose freedom of thought but be apart of a self supporting community? A guy died at work, and the church did take good care of his wife and kids! Supposed they married them off I guess....

i'm mormon and drink coffee

I'm a mormon and drink scotch ale.

That’s the only part I liked was the support and service, but you don’t need to even be a member to get that stuff. There was always a large focus on serving the non-member community. My bishop lied to my parents and told them I smoked weed based on nothing. Now I just see all Mormons as liars and phonies

Not sure what you're upset about, if you haven't noticed the entire planet is a fraud.

Yes, they are christcucks

No, we're not bad.
This is the only true and restored Church of Jesus Christ.
We have his full Gospel.
We have His real priesthood authority and power that Aaron, Melchizedek, Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Peter, etc. all had.
We're villianized because we're not of the world. World hates us.

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Don't kick a gift horse in the Mouth. I come from a Protestant tradition, and there are all kinds of weirdos, shit skin lovers, etc so dont make the except the rule.

I’m not upset. I don’t even think about Mormons and that was like 20 years ago.

Mormonism? Terrible, a blight on Abrahamic religions.

Mormons? Some of the most genuinely wholesome and morally-driven people I've ever met. IMO, two wholesome but I admire their dedication. Even when I didn't like the measured aloofness a few of them had with non-Mormons, they walked the moral walk they espoused. Genuinely. This is knowing/working with about 2 dozen Mormons over the course of my life. I've personally met very few people of other religions (except for Sikhs) who literally seem programmed to be just and restrained.

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This, stop worshipping jews

They made lots of white people so no, not so bad. But now they’ve been more or less neutered. Their birth rates will converge on those of other whites and Mormons will convert to other religions or leave their religion behind.

>full Gospel
Including the part that says the pre-columbian inhabitants of the americas were rich with “many horses” and “many silks”?

Their head niggas in charge “marry” already married women (totally just spiritually, dude) and there was even a breakaway group where you’d watch the hnic impregnate your wife.
>Under a new doctrine, “FLDS men are no longer permitted to have children with their multiple wives. That privilege belongs to the seed bearer alone,” the petition said. “It is the husband’s responsibility to hold the hands of their wives while the seed bearer ‘spreads his seed.’ In layman terms, the husband is required to sit in the room while the chosen seed bearer, or a couple of them, rape his wife or wives,” according to the document.
Disgusting race of cucks.

>drink coffee since it's banned by their kooky laws
What for? Some sort of puritan law they have? Coffee isn't that bad compared to other shit.
Did you do something that annoyed the Bishop? Why would he want to get you into trouble?
I've seen that also when Mormonism is talked about, they always talk bad about it but the devouts are seen as good people.

They used to be based, but now are cucked. Don’t be surprised if they go full globohomo in 5 years time. It’s basically just a corporation. But I like fucking Mormon girls. It’s why I live in Utah presently. Hot with daddy issues is my genre.

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