Why do Leftists use insults like "incel" and "have sex" when they're the ones not getting laid?

Why do Leftists use insults like "incel" and "have sex" when they're the ones not getting laid?

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How is that surprising?
>have little sex
>overvalue sex
>start using sex as a measurement of human value
>"have sex"
It's exactly the expected behaviour.

Like everything with these mentally defective mid-wits, it's projection of their problems, mental illness and deficiencies.

Who do you think a woman wants to fuck? Some gym bro who's a gun owner, has a career and a home. Or some fucking disgusting manlet faggot who doesn't bathe and wants to stupidly chimp out about things they don't understand while living a pathetic existence?

Think of the script one has to follow to be able to talk to a leftist chick in a positive way, you're better off showing up at the bar just before last call, buying her a single drink then taking her home making sure to circle the block enough times that she has absolutely no idea where you live.

they bought a psyop from 1933


>Reich argued that the reason why German fascism (i.e., Nazism) was chosen over communism was that of increased sexual repression in Germany
aka have sex incel

>Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties
aka grooming

Think about this - trannies have the least sex of any group. They frequently moan about it even in the press. Yet they say "have sex."

they still think they are the cool kids at the counterculture lunch table

In Berlin after the war they experimented with all kinds of wacky stuff to stop this repression. Children were actively encouraged to have sex with their siblings right through the '60s.

They don't understand the meaning of incel, I've seen married men with kids get labeled an incel by leftoids who can't get laid

projection, if you ever want to figure out who a person secretly is, see what they falsely accuse you of. Most of the people on here saying “have sex” or “incel” are unironic trannies

They follow Alinskys rules for radicals.
Accuse others of which you are guilty.
Same reason they started calling everyone bootlickers..

do they? I don't engage with leftists.

Hell, I don't engage with anyone outside of you retards. I don't even argue with people here though. I just explain to retards why they are wrong and post frog pics

People here who cant get sex should just fuck 10 prostitutes, sex then becomes meaningless and relationships become more important.

You ever see a thread where that one incel-jak gets posted, and immediately irl leftists start getting posted in response?

It's called "projection."
Libshits do it all the time for almost everything.

tell me more about how this lunch table breakdown works. I remember in 9th grade I started dating some random 10th grade chick and one day she walks up to me and says "I didn't know you were cool". This was right after she happened to walk through the cafeteria during my lunch period and saw me sitting with the drug dealers and the rest of the skate rats. Truth of the matter was I was the drug dealer's little bitch and they would pay me to go get them their lunch.


thinking about leftists having sex disgusts me

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i know
the liberals are sick in their heads

The main criticism against natsoc and fascism was that it promotes sexual degeneracy, so this is bullshit.

>If you can’t get laid just destroy your pair bonding ability with gross whores so you can have a less happy and more likely to fail marriage
great advice retard

>Why do Leftists use insults like "incel" and "have sex" when they're the ones not getting laid?
It's projection. I banged my wife this morning. I love Asian tiddies and slapping that ass.

I ironically care less about sex and more about relationships now that sex has lost its mystique. Go have sex incel.

Weak men are repulsive to women unironically.

This isn't surprising. The average Liberal is an obese middle aged female office worker or a young mountain dew chugging gamer who lives at home in his 30s.

this, it's a simple result of psychological projection

Wtf are you even talking about

>according to survey people lie in constantly
wow, great study!

Projection. Jews love it.

>Wtf are you even talking about
literally what I wrote down, the nazi's where considered sexual degenerates by christians, liberals and conservatives, because a large part of their followers where gay, a bunch of working class lads that drank and whored and weirdo occultists and nudists.

>Why do Leftists use insults like "incel" and "have sex" when they're the ones not getting laid?
Because they know calling us "racists" here doesn't work.

But because Any Forums is filled with gigantic losers who are addicted to porn and cooming, getting called an incel is a true insult to them.

yeah, obviously
its still a good propaganda point.
the same faggot who is at the origin of the sexual revolution (he wrote a book with that exact title in its english translation)

personally, its grounds enough to outlaw his bullshit and everything related to it

because OP, they want to promote right wing incel rage, they want you to get mad and fight back

>getting called an incel is a true insult to them.
Keep telling yourself that. All it does is show you have no true ammo. A badge of HEY IM A NEWFAG

so what you're saying is we should try again and make sure there's no faggots and trannies? agreed

>have sex
>get divorce/metoo raped by horrendous generation of women
Fucking golems, retreating from society and pretending that works.