Holy shit. we're almost at 1k folks

Holy shit. we're almost at 1k folks
>/MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #47 - ALMOST AT 1K EDITION
>900+ reported cases in 35 different countries
>▶Monkeypox meter
>▶Monkeypox in 5 minutes: Warm Welcome edition
>▶Latest Info
>>Health agency confirms community spread of monkeypox in England
>>Monkeypox outbreak is concerning due to its unpredictable nature
>>People with monkeypox symptoms told to isolate at home and anyone who tests positive must wear condoms for eight weeks after infection
>>UK health security agency detects 71 new cases of monkeypox
>>REVEALED: Fauci’s Recent, $10M Monkeypox Grant.
>>Monkeypox kills 58, infects over 1,200 in DR Congo since January: WHO

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>fake bullshit general

Monke News: monkeypoxvirus.net/#outbreak-news

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are we on track?

Post poxchan.

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what do you think

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its kicking off bros

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>globohomo scaremongering general
Herb’d and hidden

nigger bullshit general get fucked

>want to discuss spread, what's going on.
>maybe its a side effect? maybe they used gays to spread it? maybe its just a legit virus spreading? why is it syncing up with the wargame report?
>glowies run out of the woods trying to disrupt any discussion

We're passing 1000 cases today and god fucken knows how many in shithole countries. What are the economic consequences of another pandemic, fake or real, don't care?

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I’m predicting the homosexual community is about to cause it to spread at an exponential rate in cases, and that subsequently it’ll spread to the general population through this. The fact that everyone is “over it”, and fatigued over “nonsense epidemics” more than likely will also play a key factor in its exponential rise.

What time is SIGA speaking?

Checked. ”Bisexuals” are going to play a big role in this. Women all act gay to each other so once it gets to women, it will all go downhill.

They spoke this morning. The stock went parabolic but Wall Street freaked out and tanked it with one big order and algos.
Its 55% shorted right now, which is insane.

Just buckle up and let the Jews play their games, as an investor I'm used to this. Case numbers are way more important than stock price right now.
One day you'll wake up to a 50% pump as everyone finally accepts the situation. Until then go play vidya or something, just chill out. Might be a few weeks.

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I'm worried about it getting in gyms and schools, that's where you're going to see insane spreading

I wonder if there are agents that spread it on purpose (except faggots)? Remember those chinks that were licking doorknobs and stuff at the beginning of Covid.


>agents that spread it on purpose
Who knows user. This world is fucked.
The fact that the WHO is downplaying it so fucken much despite it spreading faster than Covid when it first started should speak for itself.

VAIDS, I'd bet they contracted le virus long ago

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>it's nothing goyim just go about your normal activities
>stop being zoophobic, go hug a monkey today

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Kek. Kys rabbi.

Implying covid isn’t a nothing burger for 99.9% of everyone on earth. Fucking faggot.

This is worst, HIV patient can accelerate Monkeypox evolution to high contagious or fatal on humans.

Let the fire rise
Glory to God

thanks user i've been looking for this pic for weeks now

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kike mods didn't like the fact that I reported this thread for breaking united states law, but that's too bad, lying violates the federal espionage act, and monkeypox isn't real.