No mass shootings for years

Covid ends
Mass shootings everyday
How can they think anyone believes this shit is organic

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lots of people are afraid of the implications of it not being organic so they follow the herd and pretend it is organic

Interesting take

Glad more ppl are noticing.

The NWO, obviously, has a limited nr of agents dedicated for killings, flase flags etc. During the Plandemic they were busy killing anyone they could to help the Covid narrative so they couldn't pull any false flag shootings. Do you remember McAfee, all the ppl that said Covid is a lie and ended dying of "Covid", Tanzania's president, Montagnier, Duesberg, etc., who do you think killed all thos ppl.

OP doesn't realize that the fun part is about to start

trannies and jews will march down my street with loaded rifles pointed at my window?
That's the only thing that would be fun to deal with.

And by 'lots of ppl' you mean about a few dozen, because there's no way the normie cattle actually suspects what's going on, these idiots still think Covid is real, I mean LMAO!

by "lots of people" he means NPCs who can't actually think for themselves.
There are less than 200,000 real human beings on the planet.

>the fun part
Like what?

this >they will take your guns and force you to submit

>There are less than 200,000 real human beings on the planet.

You're being far to generous. After all these years of being a part of the underground truth communities, I place the nr of actual human beings on this planet at max 50k.

144000 real humans.

>There are less than 200,000 real human beings on the planet.
That sounds about right. I think I've met 1 or 2 my whole life.

The biggest final redpill is that the elites are right, most 'humans' are just broken machines that produce nothing but feces and noise, and need to be erased from existence.

Sure they will lol

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Ahh yes the Jewish npc meme
How are you today mossad noggers?

I thought this was the right number too but it seems ridiculous.

jews are filled with demons, NPCs are just empty vessels and automatons

I can see you're to poor to afford meds.

Get a load of this shill.

Cool plebbit spacing rabbi

I wish I was poor
Then I would have a valid excuse for not doing something