Turkey wants to be called Türkiye in rebranding move...

>Turkey wants to be called Türkiye in rebranding move. Several international bodies will be asked to make the name change as part of a rebranding campaign launched by the Turkish president late last year. "Türkiye is the best representation and expression of the Turkish people's culture, civilization, and values," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in December.

>State broadcaster TRT was quick to make the change as soon as it was announced last year, explaining that among the reasons for the image rebrand was the association with the bird traditionally associated with Christmas, New Year or Thanksgiving. It also pointed out the Cambridge English Dictionary's definition of one of the meanings of the word as "something that fails badly" or "a stupid or silly person".

>It is not uncommon for countries to change their names. In 2020, The Netherlands dropped Holland in a rebranding move. And before that, Macedonia changed its name to North Macedonia due to a political dispute with Greece, and Swaziland became Eswatini in 2018. Further back in history, Iran used to be called Persia, Siam is now Thailand, Kiev is now Kyiv and Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe.

Don't make this weird, guys. Please use Türkiye from now on when transmitting your important political discussions electronically using 4-channel messaging system.

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Czechia, Turkiye

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stupid fuckers don't realize that English speakers can't pronounce ü

Strange, in Denmark we just call them Holland and not Netherlands, also it's Kiev not any of that globohomo speak

>From now on, please call me A instead of B, because that makes us more proud.

I found this practice to be annoying and just shows your insecurity and inferiority complex like you have to prove something to anyone.
What is the practical gain from causing confusion and corrections and embarrassment?

Why don't they just rename the bird?

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get educated snailmuncher

Why don't they just choose a different bird?

>Kiev is now Kyiv and Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe.

No no no NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


it's a close front rounded vowel you daft cunt and doesn't exist in English

this is going to be fun

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of fucking course, here we have a french person being an expert on all the useless and tiresome vowel sounds there could ever exist.

doesn't exist in Spanish either iirc

People dont even have this fucking wierd symbol on the U on their keyboards. How the fuck do they think this is going to catch on? No country calls other countries what they want - they all put the country's name in their own language.

I propose the name "giga chicken"

Nobody cares mfs - turkey it is

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Based. Countries should be known by their native tongues, not what unlearned pond-dwellers can be bothered to call them by.

In such cases it would be acceptable to exclude special punctuation as long as the word is spelled correctly.

I'm sorry to have to explain this to you, but... Some symbols might be "weird" to you, but some of yours are weird to others. There is a world outside of Poland. And weird doesn't start where Poland ends and end where Poland starts.

He should've ran for the president of the English language first.

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