Why do Ukrainians insist on making the world hate them?

A few months ago I barely knew of Ukraine, now my dislike for Ukrainians grows stronger every time they open their mouths.
It is incredible how entitled and shameless they are, a truly vile existence. Are all Ukrainians like this or just their political class?
And what's more maddening is how our politicians keep bending the knee to these disrespectful beggars. They have no understanding of the concept of national dignity!

Attached: ukieorc.png (1000x1433, 715.93K)

Another headline about the same behaviour on the same day.

Attached: ukies.png (1000x1382, 795.55K)

keep seething krautcuck
after WWII your country exists solely to give other countries the fruit of your labour

maybe it's because they were never a real country to begin with

what aren't you scared of evil old putin goy? he's coming right for you, i'm super serial

Looks like the black market is going to have German tanks for sale!!!

I don’t see the issue. During the Cold War Western countries spent trillions on military spending to contain Russia. Now we have the opportunity to not only do that, but to literally destroy the Russian armed forces in Ukraine for a fraction of the price. Seems like a good deal to me. Russia has always been our enemy.


This. Ukraine is worse than all of Africa combined asking for gibs

>A few months ago I barely knew of Ukraine
I'm surprised they didn't beat you over the head with it in history courses.

>During the Cold War Western countries spent trillions on military spending to contain USSR
russia is not ussr, not even close

If you hadn't created your poisonous ideology these faggots wouldn't exist anymore. This is on you

>I don’t see the issue
Then you must be a cuck
All they could have done is ask politely then there would not be an issue, but they demand and insult as if they had the upper hand

>Russia is our enemy

>a war ongoing
>germany cares more about customs and manners
many such cases

>russia is not ussr, not even close
At least Russia still has a strong military left over from the USSR. even people who hate communism admit it always creates the most powerful militarys

CNN said so

>muh war
If I go by your argument then there is not better time to make sure honor and dignity are upheld.

>even people who hate communism admit it always creates the most powerful militarys
This is objectively false. You are a dumb faggot, probably a tranny. Kys pls xir

>now my dislike for Ukrainians grows stronger every time they open their mouths.
almost like nations don't get attacked for no reason.

>ask politely

Don't lie cunt. They could have asked as rude as possible and you still would have said yes if they had only filled out the appropriate paperwork with documentation attached.

Show your flag Ivan.
Death to R*ssia.

So powerful it lost the battle of attrition to zealot mountain goats. We have that in common now.

Clearly Germany is working with Russia and needs to be kicked out of NATO, bombed and denazified.

Even among slavs, hohols are well known for their dumbness and ingratitude.

Russia is faggots
USA is #1 (and by extensions n any associations we have are #1).
Tell me more (in English lmao)

A few months ago I barely knew of Ukraine, now my dislike for Ukrainians grows stronger every time they open their mouths.
It is incredible how entitled and shameless they are, a truly vile existence. Are all Ukrainians like this or just their political class?
And what's more maddening is how our politicians keep bending the knee to these disrespectful beggars. They have no understanding of the concept of national dignity!
they are jews

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 642.76K)

>but they demand and insult as if they had the upper hand
You are simply a supporter of Russia.

They were your allies in both world wars, you ignorant fuckin dipshit.

Ukraine must have some dirty, dirty shit on the Western PTB. Their constant demands and their entitled tone don't make any sense otherwise.

is hofreiter an alcoholic? his skin is shiny and reddish which is usually a sign of alcoholism.

Imagine being so afraid of your enemy you cannot even type their name.

Attached: [email protected] (1260x709, 61.45K)

>in English
You can't even speak it properly.
And what you said is not the topic of discussion here.

>People in your home country get bombed, killed, raped, deported by a much bigger state
>Your country is poor
>Ask country that Supports Russia by buying gas from them to Support them

Man Any Forumsacks are really fucking retarded.
On the other hand this threads reeks Spätaussiedler from OP, in other words a """"german"""" from Russia that came here with his parents 20 years ago. Most of them are a fucking disaster lmao. Literally larping as Russians but would rather die then go back to Russia.
On the same level as turks who also praise their country but get incredible butthurt poitning out that they can go easilyy migrate back.

Cope and seethe faggot, send all of your money to Ukraine.

Russian minorities are constantly attacked and blamed for everything when they are outside Russia. Your country knows a lot about treating people like that don't you?

You are simply a pole trying to hide behind meme flag. Off to lavatory work station or whatever youse call it these days. Get aids and die, slavbitch.

>Ask country that Supports Russia by buying gas from them to Support them
I hope you enjoy the electricity rationing come winter.
Oh yes, I forgot, you will be cowering in a corner afraid of catching monkey pox so you would not notice that.

>I hope you enjoy the electricity rationing come winter.
This is what retards don't understand. Even IF Russia and Putin were pure evil so what? Much better to live under that than to starve and freeze to death a "free" man

Oh no the poor poor russians :[[[[[ they got their fees fees hurt because somebody said a Bad Word against them ;((((
Totally comparable to Ukraine where millions of people lost their homes, thousand have died and hundreds of women were raped.
Funny enough despite all the evidence and the fact that Russia started the war there are Demonstrationen in germany by russians who still Support russia. In sharp contrast to Russia itself they can Show their protest without fearing to get beaten and arrested like the thousands of people in russia who did so.