Why are incels like this?

Why are incels like this?

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>3 dead
>mass shooting
yes when I think a mass of people I usually think 3. Sorry niggers, "mass" of people begins at 10,000.

because the media keeps sensationalizing these shootings

serial killings disappeared because the media stopped giving them attention

i hate you niggers so much it's unreal

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The problem isn't incel. The society we live in is fucked up. Shut down all the degenerate dating apps. Shootings didn't even get big until they started.

He hit that age when all the girls in youth group turn into huge whores at school but then still try to front on sundays. He wasn’t ready for female dissonance.

I think the cutoff point is 4 people, but they don't have to die.
If he injured people besides the two he killed it still counts.
Of course, so do all those gang shootings in negro cities but they don't make the headlines.

>lock white male teenagers in their homes for two years
>tell them all of society's evils are their fault
>give aid and benefits to everyone except them
>force them to take experimental pharmaceuticals or be ostracized from society
>require them to take on massive amounts of debt to even begin to hope to have a future

Gee why are they doing this? Is it global warming?

Was the gunman a nigger?
Why haven't the lugenpresse post the profile yet?

if they don't immediately post the shooter's race it's a nigger, unless they wanna pass a mexican off as 'white hispanic'

>3 dead
>mass shooting
pick one

as an another user explained, mass shooting includes injured people as well. at least the medias definition i guess

MGTOW activist?


It happen in Iowa you pig skin.

Mass shooting is 4 or more, there have been about 230 mass shooting this year most of them take place in the inner city though so we don't talk about them.

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To clarify it's 4 or more who are dead OR injured.

Good if true. Make women afraid again.

it's a term that describes white shootings, when blacks do it it's just a shooting with multiple victims

Csn we just unleash another plague to stop gun violence

>bad thing happens
>picture of weak and pathetic women hugging


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To convince you to give up your rights. You don't want to make women cry, right?

So, they're amplifying every gun homicide now like it's a school shooting? The media is fucking cancer. We see through this shit. You're never getting the guns.

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based, for the glory of incel rebellion!