Why do Americans worship their constitution?

Why do Americans worship their constitution?

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State indoctrination at early age

It's supposed to stop tyrants from replacing your population with foreigners

Why is Russia losing against a third world country?

Because it memorializes the first time they bent over, got fucked in the ass, and liked it.

The articles of confederation are what America was meant to be, but even back then we had kikes and traitors infiltrating things.

Worked very well, didn't it?

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why not?

Because no American president ruled longer than a clear, pre-determined number of years.

Because it was the best in the world. There are still a good number of positive aspects to it, but we really lost out with the 14th and 19th Amendments. If we could get rid of those two, the revitalization of the United States would be unstoppable. Without White men running the show, it will never recover.

Can't be any worse than sitting idly by and accepting this

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Because it works. If you want to build the best off world colony, giving the colonists free speech and a right to own weapons would allow them to thrive for hundreds of years.

Its the core of American society. Its the starting cohesion of the national identity. Its a reminder of the freedoms we had and a safeguard to stop or reduce tyranny. Which is surprising how long this document has held up, eroded in some places but its still there

Brainwashing, the constitution is nothing but a worthless piece of paper and has been constantly violated by the government and authority. They are above it all

because they are mindless cattle controlled by jews

Technically, the constitution was fucked since 2001 when it became socially acceptable to have secret police wandering the streets in the name of
>Muh Patriot Act
>Let me spy on you goyim!
>No, I only took photos of your children by accident!

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because it was the only good thing that came from the enlightenment and even then it was mostly just a return to pre medieval/ pre norman anglo saxon society. unironically the constitution doesn't and shouldn't apply to non british foreigner immigrants in US.

It's cope. They think if they worship a piece of paper it makes up for their country being destroyed.

The constitution has absolutely zero authority, exactly like the government that purports to uphold it.
This applies to anywhere on Earth.
A bunch of old fucks centuries ago agreed on some arbitrary rules they wanted to force on others, which, at best, applied only to the time they were alive.
Nowhere in any constitution there is a clause that it has to be upheld by future generations, because that would mean indefinite slavery.

We had our first secret courts (FISA court) decades before 9/11. It has been a gradual slide back into tyranny.

Jefferson was explicit about this being the reason why we needed bloody revolution every generation in order that future societies not be chained to the wishes of past men. Given that current men are weak faggots though, it's pleasing that they haven't been able to undo those paper shackles.


The kid fucking democrats are trying to take your guns America. You know what to do.

>men are weak faggots
Not just that. You have to first see the problem.
I'd never thought about the issue of the legitimacy of constitutions before I read Lysander Spooner's "No Treason".
You can see all the kikery if you apply at least some effort, sure, but deciphering it requires a great deal more.
Most "people" are too lazy and stupid for that.

It supposed to remind the government they work for us, not rule us. Why does everyone else worship their governments?