Were Holocaust actually real?

Were Holocaust actually real?

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Of course not

Holocaust was real. Hitler was a genius. He killed Six Millions Jews. For some reason this place is full of kikes who want to deny our Fuhrer his greatest accomplishment. A large section of Pol secretly hates white men who accomplish great things. They try to diminish them or to call them fake. Hitler is a fucking god for what he did and I won't let anyone rob him of his glory.

can you factually prove it wasn't real? I see alot of people on this board deny it but no one can back tha up with actual facts

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The communist jews just took over russia, then immediately proceeded to genocide millions of Christians in Ukraine.
Obviously the sensible thing was to put jews in camps so they couldn't do that to Germans too.

However there is no evidence at all that the Germans ever even attempted to genocide the jews.

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you have the burden of proof

What is the Haavara Agreement

I don't mean to sound arrogant and above-it-all by saying this but the simple fact is that it really depends on what you consider to be an inherent part of the "Holocaust". For example if you believe that it was a genocide but that very few were killed in gas chambers (less than the number accepted by good goy historians) but were killed through other means, does that make you a denier? Countries that have laws against Holocaust denial have this problem and need to come up with weird criteria to prosecute people. I know that in France you specifically can't deny what was accepted at the Nuremburg trials, so certain details that are widely accepted among said historians can be denied legally. Realistically what it means is that anyone who "believes" in the Holocaust in France probably couldn't follow the law if forced to explain what happened because people are dumb and misinformed even when it comes to the official propaganda.

77 years and still zero proof

Hoholdomor didn't happen but you deserved it


This man died waiting all his life a proof of the gas chambers. He also survived to an attempt of murder by glowniggers.

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>prove a negative
everyone east of germany should be shot in back of the head

That's true, and people have spent time in prison for "denying" obvious wartime propaganda that even the holocaust museums don't teach now

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The holocaust and holodomor are both real events that occurred against minorities. Not only do we have documentation of jewish fighters during the warsaw ghetto uprising, we also have evidence of the fact it occurred due to the fact the Allies liberated camps during the war. The co-founder of the Polish underground state even stayed in Auschwitz during this time aiding the uprising, then helping fight afterwards in the general warsaw uprising.

Yes but not 6 gorillion
And deaths were accidental not intentional

No. They lied.


>we also have evidence of the fact it occurred due to the fact the Allies liberated camps during the war
Yes, we have evidence that jews in were kept in camps, just like japanese were kept in camps in america. We don't have evidence for mass deaths other than those who died of typhus and starvation when the allies bombed all the german supply lines.

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Pic related is why jews keep trying to perpetuate the obvious lies about the holocaust

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