> within the last 5 Months
> shitton of barns, farms, foodprocessing and supply chain relevant logistical important Checkpoints mysteriously cought fire

> wood palette warehouses on fire
> "we can't transport stuff because no palettes"

> 2 cargo Trains crashes
> at night frontally on a straight line
> nobody pulled the breaks
> frontal crash
> still unexplained how this coud happen,-lokführer-stirbt-bei-güterzugunfall-in-hessen-_arid,2520880.html

> transported glass bottles and containers for food production

> also shitton of barnfires within the last 6 weeks
> map in picrel are all the food supply related fires which which were available to find over the news
> what happeing in your country ?
> is this normal ?

Attached: too_many_fires.png (960x6720, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

We are fucked beyond repair and I can't get out of the country right now I'm stacking canned goods and equipment

Attached: 1652430205559.jpg (394x526, 32.21K)


>Imports million of third world retards
>Acts surprised when everything begins falling apart

Never change, Ahmed.

Pretty comfy here in Australia atm

Same thing as in the U.S. you are being systematically taken apart from the inside.

same as america. probably russia activating its sleeper cells worldwide to show it its place.

You guys are really fucked too I believe. Your agricultural sector is very reliant on imported grain to feed its cattle. In fact, as far as I know, you're not precisely food self sufficient.

The fuck are you talking about retard. Catalufo traga pollas.

What sort of stuff are you stacking? Canned goods are ok because they don't require cooking, but they have to much water content. Generally grains are better if you can somehow guarantee protein. I'm getting canned fish, beans and meat plus rice and pasta.

I wonder if it's that or just the wef types initiating a famine to justify their power grab.

Lukewarm war sabotage on both sides going on

Nah we're food secure. We are net agriculture exporters.

China will pay your politicians to secure your food while you starve, just as I'm sure my country will do to me to feed niggers in africa

Nah you will be fine dudes, you’re not russia or ukraine

Attached: 1651823287064.jpg (208x243, 17.23K)

Im talking about diversity hires fucking up your country.

You might be able to flee to Russia soon if they follow through with this.

You got that right mate.

> also the fertilizer shortage
> lel

Attached: 1647204025629.png (960x3768, 2.39M)

I also bought a lot of good flour and stored it good plus i have good contact to our local farmers

I can't i have certain things that tie me to this country

Lucky fucks.

>Lukewarm war sabotage on both sides going on
US in particular gettin' lashed out of it because so many sanctions against so many countries

Damn that is fucking nice.