Why don't you accept the reality of systemic racism?

Systematic racism is objectively real. The lives of black and other POC's lives are worse off in the U.S.A because of it. From blocking wealth mobility, lower university graduation and ofcourse the deaths caused by police officers.

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Accept the reality that the Talmud is a book of demons that encourages child rape

Stop shifting the argument. The argument is about systemic racism and it effects on the poc communities

What is a poc?

Person of color

You can't just say that, you racist fuck. Use the proper term.

am I a person of color? Why do you mix all the tanned people togheter?
>systemic racism
yes it exist, is it the white man fault tho? You can argue about it, it looks like other diversity groups
>or even italians
were able to get over this "discrimination" and are able to get positions of power, good jobs, being top academics, but it seems that only the blacks aren't able too, it seems to me that they should solve first their own problems instead of blaming others for racism. And another thing is normal that for example a greek would help more another greek to find a job for example since is his own blood and family, instead of helping an albanian, you could call this racism, instead for me is just normal

>only the blacks aren't able too
I made a mistake here, some blacks can do the same thing, is just that they are the only category that bitches about it, and is not even that they are really stopped in the path, since if you see in the usa they elected officals just because they were black, and this would be racism against all the other ethincities since is not based on merit but color

Piece of crap
Proof of concept

your funny picture isn't systemic racism

>systematic racism is real!
So too then must systematic superiority.

>"we don't know why they came and did anything!"
Probably has something to do with the rapist that was broken out of jail by his homies who shot at the cops and iirc killed a couple while they were breaking him out of jail.

>And another thing is normal that for example a greek would help more another greek to find a job for example since is his own blood and family, instead of helping an albanian, you could call this racism, instead for me is just normal
No that's not normal it's the result of subconscious racism.
Also the reason other groups succeed ( but even then they are also suffer to a lesser degree) is because blacks didn't built generational wealth due to jim crow and slavery

Let me guess, the entire community dindu nuffin and they were all living like kangz?

defining differences in outcomes as "racism" is bullshit that only passes because society is so shitlibbed that there is no actual racism around. there are differences in outcomes between different groups of whites. are those because of racism too?

blow it out your ass faggot
trust us we know what racism is around here

Subconscious racism is normal.

niggers töngue my anûs

do you help your son or the son of your neighbour? Answer this to yourself, and only blacks aren't able to build generational whealth when chinese and other ethnicities were able to

no, white people were racist n shiet


That is what they are asserting, yes. Funny how they don't mention the rapist, or the jailbreak. Let alone mention the fact that the niggers broke the rapist out of jail, and then holed up in (((black Wallstreet))).
It was just white people being racist and shit.


Racism is ingrained from millenia of killing the tribal outsiders.
Every race except whites are still fiercely tribalistic.
Whites are an extreme global minority.
Because of those three points I will continue to be racist you fucking nigger.

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>Why don't you accept the reality of systemic racism?
Because it doesn't exist. Pretty simple really.

that much goes without saying, it's an universal constant when it comes to nigonometry

Wait what? I haven't heard anything about that. The reason being primarily not giving a fuck about (((black wallstreet)))

Keep in mind that the 15% of white people that said "yes" are (((racists))) for giving a shit about being white, and the other "people" that said "no" are (((racist))) for not being proud that they aren't white.

TL;DR me on Tulsa

if you want to talk about systemic racism In current day US, I don't see why you would post a 100 year old example

Systemic racism is real and it's why we should kick out all the niggers, chinks and spics.

You see I believe in the racism; and the conclusion is nationalism. USA is for whites. Why hide from that?

Western world is for white people. It's designed by white people to benefit white people.
Let's not spit on our ancestors intentions.
We should be grateful and celebrate their hard work by fulfilling their wishes for us.

Yea, look up "dick Rowland", and the pilpul around him now.
He didn't rape that girl, he just tripped and fell! The niggers were forced to go the court house and kill ten white people. And they never broke him out of jail and took him to (((black Wallstreet))), the (((racist))) whites just went there to burn down their businesses because they were black!