The holocaust never happene-

>the holocaust never happene-

oh wait it actually did happen

Why do you deny Hitler's greatest achievement?

I thought you were actual Nazis but you're just some dumb faggots lmao

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Jews fuck kids because the Talmud tells them to

i can't testify that it did because i ddin not see it happen. i can testify that i've heard that it happened.

I deny the Holocaust ironically


The holocaust was the narrative used to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews. It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war. As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation of the of left's new religion where whiteness became the original sin, Hitler the Devil, right-wing politics demonic, racism the greatest evil, jews the gods and the destruction of Western culture the ultimate redemption.

It was a very clever way to enslave an entire group of people without them even noticing.

Some jews died in WW2. Some jews (rightfully, just like US Japanese were) were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'extermination camps'. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000 maximum) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The absolute must-know jew, Weimar, WW2 and holohoax redpills:

Attached: burned bc typhus af.jpg (1706x917, 436.22K)

I wish it happened, but it didn't.
Picunrel is just a few hundred bodies pulled out of the bombed out buildings all around in the pic

How could six million german jews be killed when the 1900 census says there were only about 550,000 jews in Germany in 1900. And according to the Havarra agreement (too lazy to look up the spelling), the Nazi's and jews agreed to work together to help jews leave Germany for Palestine. And, the Red Cross letter just as WWII was ending stating about 350,000 jews died in the camps. I am no racist mathmetician or nothing but how do you get 6,000,000 German jews killed in camps this the numbers listed above? And, after the war Germany was paying jew money for their "pain and suffering" and Germany was paying more jews after the war than before the war stated. Asking for a German friend.

Those who say it didn't happen to any degree are just as retarded as those who believe the narrative. A lot of people died. It was a war. The term "war crime" is a fucking joke. It was a publicity stunt to make sure Germany suffered and the jew became the biggest victim in history. There are worse, but they don't own all the media outlets, so you'll never hear about them.

>Some jews (rightfully, just like US Japanese were) were held in camps in WW2
The jews declared war on Germany in 1933, what was Germany supposed to do with the enemy combatants living inside Germany?


Lets say you need to do 6 million push ups in 5 years
Divide 6 million by 5
Then divide that number by 365

Lets say you need to bake 6 million cookies in 5 years

Lets say you need to burn 6 million humans in 5 years....

Zyklon B poisoning cause human skin to turn bright red like a boiled lobster (this is scientific fact).
So why is there zero mention of this in months worth of Nuremberg testimony?

They are just sleeping faggot. This motherfucker knows nothing about Jews and their sexual rituals and sleeping habits. Moron.

that does look like six million dead jews in that photo to me.

Attached: 1617802130207.jpg (429x600, 62.44K)

Attached: gorillion2.png (770x842, 875.97K)

Can someone post a list of documentaries to watch?

This guy gets it.

To the OP:
If it's hitler's greatest achievement, why didn't he ever take credit for it?

Funny how all the death camps were in part of Germany occupied by the Soviets. I mean they don’t have a history of faking evidence or erasing people or anything.

ayyy yo post em

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because it didn't happen the only real antiaemite to ever exist was hadrian and thanks to him kikes became cockroach resilient

never happened. The