Chinese teaching their children america is run by jews

They're even giving subtle redpills to their western audience

Attached: 1654019011829.jpg (596x424, 44.42K)

It's the perfect way for Chinese to paint white westerners as slaves to superior races, such as themselves or jews

If the Chinese were so smart why don't they come here and take over? No really please come here and take over.

>slaves to jews
Well it's true

The CCP is also jewish controlled. Kikes founded communism. Karl Marx was jewish. Where ever commies rule, so do jews.


Oh fuck, we may actually go to war with them if they go too far with this.


Attached: 1507746320393.png (500x331, 101.19K)

Incredibly based

This is fake.

Yet another fake tweet. Cant find it during that day in their tweets. They either pulled it or its fake

what's the name of the book and is there an English translation

that's more accurate than CRT

video would have been better if it didn't have retarded music

>Jilin province
That's where the Manchu dynasty was from lol
Like the text book being taught in Tel Aviv.

you can tell if you look at the replies/likes area at the bottom. whatever tweet generator this is uses the wrong or old font and somehow they never have a convincing ratio. also cnn would never tweet something that could even accidentally redpill the normgroid masses

Because they want their children to be smart. They teach them STEM too

Based China prove for the millionth time they are our natural allies.

Attached: Based chinks strike again.jpg (738x791, 193.72K)

Just kidding, it's fake and gay like op

Why wouldn't they just inspect element? We deserve better shills.

Why would a textbook in China cause outrage in America? Oh don’t answer that, we all know why.

They don’t have to, we will collapse into ourselves like the soviets except more violently

they aint wrong

Look it up, im not giving any clicks to CNN so you can research it yourself