She don’t understand. Leave her alone

She don’t understand. Leave her alone.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Yellen was born on August 13, 1946,[4] to a family of Jewish[5] ancestry in the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn neighborhood of New York City,[6] where she also grew up. Her father was Julius Yellen (1906–1975), a family physician and her mother was Anna Ruth (née Blumenthal; 1907–1986), an elementary school teache. Janet has an older brother, John (b. 1942), a program director for archaeology at the National Science Foundation.[7][8][5][9]
Jew political, funding and voting data:

Umm what're you saying.. are we gonna get our $1 candy bars back or nah

Well shit. That's a bulletproof defense. We'll just have to keep letting her run the US economy.

Gonna give that a big 'no' good buddy. It looks like we're coming into hard times soon frens.
Make sure you get your gardens going people. I think food scarcity is about to real and NOW is the time to get ahead of that.

who runs a country like this, who allows this shit to happen

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I've seen managers get fired for making work more efficient in companies
I know she isn't gonna get fired for this

Total mystery

Looks like the fatass is wrong about calories too


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made for BBC

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>you can't expect Keynsian economists to understand the economy
This is true. They are barely-functioning retards.

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She never has. She's an incompetent political appointment. A living rubber stamp, nothing more.

You know how burgers use to be 25 cents?
Our 5 to 10 dollar burgers will be looked back upon the way we look back on 25 cent burgers.

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If she doesn't understand then she is unfit to be in her position. Right now, she's cockblocking somebody else who could have understood

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>printing unfathomable ammounts of money to deal with a memeflu will lead to inflation
>Thats just a far right conspiracy theory
literally everyone knew this causes inflation, they did this on purpose.

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When you realize economics and the Nobel prize for economics is laughably corrupt and controlled.

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I realized it when I took courses in economics. It's basically truth mixed with (((ideologies))). It's why people come off feeling like they're explaining a religion to people about basic economics that everybody knows before taking the 101 course.

Completely, 100%.

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They cashing out. They're going to their bunkers in New Zealand.

And yet a bunch of internet racists saw these unanticipated shocks coming from miles away.

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Then the kike shouldn't have the fucking job. At least get a Jew that isn't stupid enough to burn absolutely everything to the ground on accident. Get one that can at least keep the kiked system afloat for 4 more years. After that, I'll have all the weapons and resources I need. Then everything can burn.

Ouy vey yellen

The racist jews didn't want to believe us because we weren't one of them

the United States Govt. needs to be ground into a fucking paste
fucking worthless scum-sucking, faggot, nigger-loving jewish cattle

What happened to these kikes saying inflation's a good thing?

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a jew lying about inflation being transitory when even yellowstain himself admitted it last year

>Translation: I profited immensely by keeping markets from freaking out so I could position Jews for maximum returns.

Have you ever heard this bitch talk? She’s a fucking idiot

$1 for a quarter of a candy bar

>trying to convince you that countless people in their basements and/or bunk beds knew exactly what was going to happen but not someone who has more knowledge than 99.9999% of the planet did on said subject

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I forgive you, Janny Nelson

Fiat currency is the original algorithmic stablecoin. USD will go the way of UST. Prepare your anus.

sorry, 99.9999999%?

If you Chuds had a little more compassion and let her do her job, maybe the money will finally be used to help the poor. You ignorant rednecks

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