Powerful and a true leader who loves his country and people

Powerful and a true leader who loves his country and people

Attached: powerful.jpg (772x707, 90.65K)

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Didn't all these "blue check" people get exposed as bots the other week?

Just because you like it doesn't mean it was a bot. The message is what counts.

>this post from a memeflag
Jeez you fucking twats aren't even trying anymore.

Attached: 1633303845604.jpg (250x213, 6.81K)


Unlike Putin who spent 2 decades building an image of a tough guy to then hide in his bunker and have 1-on-1 meetings where he sits 30 feet apart. Fucking pathetic monkey

Attached: 1651319060899.jpg (360x500, 48.65K)

>don't take pictures of me while I'm high as fuck


is2.Any Forums.org/wsg/1654222050285.webm

I liked the green screen zelinsky use to still pretend he's in the country

>rando blue checkmark

You do realize that Russia is winning the war right?

He clearly has never been inside any US government office containing cubicles

Shut the fuck up, dork


Yeah, I'm waiting only 14 days more.

Anons have done a good job calling out their bullshit and helping newbs identify the shills. They'll never leave but they are less effective.

Does it hurt to know AI routines are smarter than the average Romanian

Wow, the actor knows how to stage-manage his appaerance, and then staged photos of him going to the front all the time. Hypocrite.

and then everyone in Ukraine clapped so loud, the windows on the russian side shattered

No one gives a fuck about the Ukraine anymore.

Faggot, no wonder theyre retreating