What are the political implications of a federal assault weapon ban?

What are the political implications of a federal assault weapon ban?

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That the criminals will have ar-15's. The drug cartels even have full-auto's.

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Depends on what state you're in. A few have committed to telling the federal government to fuck off the way Commiefornia does with sanctuary cities.

The courts will impose another ban on the ban.
Tried and failed, many times over.

It means they will go after all guns after more hoaxes and then implement mandatory vax and more humanity enslavement agenda on you.

Fina piece in place for a foreign invasion of US mainland.

>and then implement mandatory vax
tried and failed
Even now, jobs are left vacant if they require the vaxx.

None of those rifles in your picture are assault weapons.

it means that feds and the rich win and your average citizen loses. the government gets a monopoly on violence and you have to die.

It won't happen
>So basically
>I'm not gonna turn them in (my firearms)
>I know.. UGH!! I KNOW!!!
>It's just that I'm not gonna turn them in is all

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a spike in sales of guns and ammunition

>a Bill Cooper book he wrote while drunk off his ass

Red states will pass laws forbidding enforcement, red counties in blue states will enact Irish democracy and ignore it.

they won't be able to enforce it. too many legal loopholes, it won't make a difference. gun manufacturers will just adjust yet again.

A lot of dead cops and higher crime, all according to the liberal plan

>Flash hider
>Bayonet lug
Old fag here. Lived through the last AWB. Wouldn't change a thing if they reinstated the old AWB. AMA.

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People will use handguns for shootings?

they send in fed niggers for that, not police. fed niggers will shoot your dog, your cat, your fish aquarium, your children, and your wife without feeling any remorse.

luckily i don't have any guns

Civil War 2 - Electric Boogaloo
