Neets are rising up

>be 29 years old
>no job
>no girlfriend
>literally living in your parent's basement
>only thing to do is shitpost and drink all day
>feel pissed off and make a school shooting joke threat on Facebook
>get arrested
>your life is now even more fucked

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>Using goybook to troll
you literally have to dox yourself bow to make an account these days

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My son...

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massholes do not matter

why do they always look like this? greasy, long hair, poor social skills, everything that's a stereotype.

>joke threat
wait. what the fuck is a joke threat?

I'm headed down this road how I do turn myself around

tried it, no dice

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I sincerely hope this is real.
These are the people you are talking to on here.

Go to the gym


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He fedposted and the feds came and got him.

Then again this is Massachusetts.

Based Masshole going to get all the help he needs and more living off the state.

>Videogames don't dull the pain
>Porn doesn't dull the pain
>Shitposts don't dull the pain

Bros help...

Do a flip, faggots.

Manlet went too far talking big on the interwebs

Many such cases

Kek this is the average Any Forumsack. Get a job and a life boys.

Literally just get a job.

Any Forums still open to post anything. Nothing changed

Because Any Forumscels are subhumans who don't know how to behave in a society.

Eat the poo poo

You will get arrested for making threats like that here too. Go ahead, try it if you dare.

You get to choose
Spiritual pain as you idle and do nothing to spare your body.
Physical punishment as you toil to improve your body sparing your spirit.

>29 years old
>Wanting to shoot up a school
I can kind of get the 15 year old outcast kid who was heavily bullied in school going postal
at least theres some sense to that
but what do you gain at being 29 and doing it?
is he just going for the fame?
and no I'm not ruling out the Feds could be at play here

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>Dear faggots
>I hate you all sooo damn much

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Step 1 is to get off the internet. You will never do anything useful until you reset your brain. Literally sit and play video games all day if you have nothing better to do, just stay off any communicating platform (Any Forums) for a few days. After that, you can start googling how to fix your diet and what to do at the gym and shit.


>average Any Forums poster

Yes. People want to be remembered for something, even if its terrible. Infamy for them is better than being forgotten.

I unironically did that once on here and nothing happened except that I got banned for a month.

Getting a job is almost impossible these days. Either not enough experience or your white and male so your app gets thrown in the trash. Let the system crumble boyos. WASP GANG.

I just got tailed by a detective for a couple days and like the other user was banned for a month.

You can walk into any fast food joint in the entire country and get hired on the spot right now.

Cool now show us the glownigger who talked him into it.

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Fast food jobs cant pay for an apartment these days unless your in bum fuck Arkansas or the midwest. Im stuck as a coastie.

I respect him for his shirt

So, if you're currently unemployed, and a fast food job wont cover rent, then where the fuck do you live now? Are you homeless? Oh, you're not? Then what's the problem?

Gym wont solve your problems like that as a quick fix. Its good to go to the gym but to say its a magic cure is naive. Peoples brains are the way they are.

With relatives. I plan on doing that till im 40. Idk life looking pretty bleak des days.

There was a guy on /sp like 8 years ago that got drunk and said hes going to shoot up a school, and reported himself the next morning when he saw the thread not knowing it was him that posted it.
Went to jail in Ohio. Forget his real name

So then you don't have to worry about paying a landlord jew.
If you just don't want to work, that's fine, I can respect that, but don't give me that bullshit about how you just CAN'T find any work.

fucking kek

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If my relatives die before im in my middle age then i guess just roam around homeless with a backpack and tent and sleep in BLM land.

If the Federal Bureau of Instigation is willing, my driveway could use $5,000 of munitions
I WILL lose all of it in a freak boating accident (I do not own a boat)
It will be like Obama's Fast&Furious, except instead of cartel members, I'll give these supplies to bottom-dwelling crustaceans and eels

Well, Glow-Niggers? Where's my Aquatic Munitions fund?

No i seriously cant. Indeed is fucking garbage and I sent 50 apps out in 2 days.

Yeah I forget his name. Went by Lex on forums...

...he forgot to add 'in MineCraft™'

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walk into some shops, look the owner in the eyes, and give them a firm handshake
an AI turned me down from programming for Home Depot, it was bullshit

got a job, it sucks but better than nothing I guess

I've been meaning to, think I finally will. there's one right by my work, it's kinda pricey but it's convenient

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People under 50 use Facebook?

>get food handler cert. 7 bucks online.
>apply on website of joint you want to work for, mention said cert
>call or goto place, talk to manager, ask to set up interview
>now you're a burger flipper or fry cook or whatever