If the Earth is flat, what are asteroids and shooting stars? All asteroid pictures are just cgi, are they even real...

If the Earth is flat, what are asteroids and shooting stars? All asteroid pictures are just cgi, are they even real? But Shooting stars I see all the time.

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the stars are another flat planets and his sun, the shooting stars are just pieces of space garbage

They are not, also your shitskin ancestors mixed with Indo-Europeans who civilized you before dipping.

they are, nigger.
also you have black slave ancestors.

>space garbage
I thought space didn't exist?

i mean its not space like in the movies, people just send rockets to the so called space and make a lot of space garbage

Lol imagine requiring a satisfactory answer for the questions listed to believe what amounts to be an unrelated thing.

Im not related to niggers, shitskin.
He's a retard, he knows nothing.

He's another spicy take, if the Earth is a globe, why is there no South Star that stays fixed in place?
Obviously one would exist since there is a North Star.

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Meteors were observed before rocketry was developed.

im not a shitskin i have a light skin, i have north italian, spanish and native peruvian ancestry.
Yes you are a nigger

Polaris is just a star that happens to be perpendicular to the surface of the Earth at the North Pole, there's no requirement that such a star should exist for any given spot on Earth. It also doesn't stay "fixed"; which star is above the North Pole changes with the precession of the ecliptic that takes roughly 26K years.

well I dont know much about flat earth, just what I read on the internet. I have my own telescope and watch the stars, I try to do my own observations bc I dont trust NASA

>But Shooting stars I see all the time.
that's called a mini stroke user, go to a doctor

If you observe Mercury and note its position daily, and plot its path, you'll see that it'll seemingly move back and forth instead of making a circle, which makes no sense in a geocentric model (this is why people developed a barely workable model of epicycles centuries ago), but which makes perfect sense in a heliocentric model, because what you're observing it it completing its orbit around the sun in 88 days instead of Earth's 365, so when it moves "backwards", it's moving behind the sun.

Look at this dude. He expect REASONING and LOGIC from people that believe they live in fucking Discworld.

If you don't understand this image than just accept the Earth is flat and move on with your life because you're not gonna make it.

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I will try to observe it

I watched the meteor shower. None of the space is fake faggots have been able to answer that

Why do the stars never move?
if we are also questioning the moon why does no one ask why we see the same side of the moon always, is their a backside just like a baskeball might have a logo on oneside but not the back? a

Attached: North.Star_.Never_.Moves_.FEMemes.jpg (576x423, 28.36K)

They do move over time.

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earth is flat
space is flat
stars are flat
planets are flat

Pure cope, shitskin. You wish I was a nigger so I could breed you.

Yes there is. If there is a North Star, then on the opposite side of Earth, there would exist a star just like it, it would appear to the naked eye to be fixed, or one would appear just like the countless other stars near the North Star and move very little. No such star exist on the South side of Earth.
You're delusional if you think the North Star has ever changed, in 26 thousands years it will still be the same star.

assuming we are spining in a ball whiling cricling another fucking star why do the stars not refelct this movement? what about the fucking moon? does it move mathmaticly perfect so we spin in sync and never get to see the other side? what about the plasma moon map? Why have people with telasacopes been able to see stars behind the moon?

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The Sun is 151000000km away
Polaris is 3056000000000000000km away.
If you stand in front of a building and make a step to the side, the building "moves" a lot. If you look at a building from a mile away and make a step, it moves but a little.

What makes you think the moon is floating around in the middle of flat earth? fucking retard.

>You wish I was a nigger so I could breed you.
lol I knew it, youre proyecting yourself

And yet no South Star exists, there should be at least two fixed stars on a global model, considering there is one.

Delusional cope. "b-b-but this fake picture that presumes we know where stars were exactly thousands of years ago proves my cope!"

Pure autism.

>does it move mathmaticly perfect so we spin in sync and never get to see the other side?
Moons become tidally locked to the planets they orbit over time. If the moon rotates faster than its planet, it is "dragged" backwards so that its rotation becomes slower. If it rotates more slowly, it is dragged forwards. This happens to the planet too, but since planets are more massive, the moon generally adjusts to the rotation of its planet, not the other round.

>there should be at least two fixed stars on a global model

Yes, you knew that you were shitskin wished I was a nigger. Sorry, bud. You wouldn't even exist without Indo-Europeans showing up and civilizing your ancestors.


So you're retarded? lmfao
>why would there be two fixed stars on a globe? a globe has two points in which a star like polaris would look, but that doesn't mean it has to! my feelings over your facts!

The stars are not on the globe, they're far away. One just so happens to be pretty much above the North Pole.