Irish demographic change

The change in demographics here in the past 10 years is absolutely frightening. I'm not talking about urban area's either. This isn't some exaggeration or meme.
Even if the irish were to have large families tomorrow, they would be lucky to even break even with population.
People are too self centred and individualistic to acknowledge the problem.
Multiculturalism, in just one decade, has done to Ireland more damage than the British empire could muster in centuries of oppression.
That will be all folks. G'nignt.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Large dump of red pills:
>The Anti White Agenda

>Dangerous Demagogues Spread 'Great Replacement Theory'

Tucker's recent monologue which exposes the left's embrace of the so called "great replacement":

Attached: 1624658882164.png (720x275, 17.91K)

>Retarded subhuman irish potato niggers whining about other people

All the irish did when they came to America was get into fights with everyone and cause problems

2050? I'm going to say that the irish are roughly 60% of the population as it is. Anyone living here would confirm.

Is this true, tell me more?

What more is there to say? The irish will be a minority within a decade or two. I've accepted it but, most aren't even aware.

How much of that minority 40% is concentrated in Dublin?

i live in a small town with housing that was supposed to be for college students now given to indians and syrians

the average irish pimaryschool has more Mudasirs and Tyrones than even the worst london suburbs

I don't know. All I can say is that rural Ireland is over. 70% of small rural towns will have at least 30-40% foreigners by now. These changes in demographics can literally change within a year or two. They just keep pouring in and they're full of money, well funded and connected.

White lad reporting in. I live in an overpriced apartment in Dolphin's Barn (Dublin 8). My roommates are muslim. Most of Dublin is foreigners. All of Brazil wants to move here.

This places sucks balls and is only getting worse.

Why are your people so gay now? You have this great culture of historical resistance, but today the average Irish normie seems to bend over to every anti-Irish whim and consider it a good thing if they notice it at all. It feels so weird looking at it, at least from the outside it looks worse in terms of the average population than anywhere else in Europe and most of America.

they replace most redheaded characters in movies with blacks now. just a coincidence though, not a confirmation

You must understand, the change in psychology didn't happen overnight. Years and years of propaganda subverted the morale of a nation.
It's a materialistic world now where everything is rent and consume.

>Why are your people so gay now?

Because we consumed western media into becoming super woke. We were not prepared for the electronic j*w. It destroyed any independence and identity that we had.

Also limerick is Nigeria now.

Dublin? When you see hoards of shit skins 10-15 men NOT woman or children walking around in rural Ireland, you just know it's over.
Gang rapes incoming


They stand around the town on Saturday nights looking at the young women going into the pub. It's all a matter of time. A roastie with a few drinks will be the first to taste globo homo. Ironic.

I'm pretty sure all Western countries are lying about their demographics.

ive lived in dublin and london and dublin is now where near as bad as london. in dublin u have foreigners who come to work and study such as indians who come because of the infotech industry in dublin, or brazilians. in london you have whole areas taken over by muslims.

Are Euros still going to make mutt jokes now?

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Probably. I can only speak for my own experience living here. This isn't even about reproducing any more. It's a straight up invasion and genocide.

Are they using Ireland as a gateway to Europe? I can't imagine anyone would choose to live there.

you lads better turn to fascism quick or you'll have lost everything in a decade. stop thinking its cringe or whatever. just fucking do it. fuck optics, its your homeland ffs. who cares what people say about you? fucking man up.

London is taking in foreigners since the 50s. Ireland only started 5-7 years ago. Be patience.

You're going to wish you had those fighting drunken Irish who aren't afraid to scrap with you when niggers and spics try to cut your heart out with a stone dagger to appease the jews within the next 10 years.

I was in Melbourne last week. Majority non-White by far. Entire place is just a dull grey and brown.

Better than Somali land.

You don't understand the situation if you think it's that simple. Handful of redpilled nationalists vs an entire global system. The irish will the first to kill you for speaking out. Thats how fucked up the whole thing is.

So where is masculinity pussy? I thought you have at least some self-respect.

>Abandon the Faith
>Immediately start getting replaced, despite being richer than ever
Not surprised

Out numbered by a world of enemies.

And outbreed anglos. Remember kids, every sperm is precious