Black Man Kills Affirmative Action Negro Surgeon

>Black man went to affirmative action black surgeon
>Black surgeon botched surgery (shocker)
>Black man left full of pain from botched surgery
>Decides to kill the affirmative action negro and any cucks that get in the way

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> back surgery

Guess he saved more lives than he took.

rip to the 3 humans killed here

Yeah, I'd be fucking pissed too if I paid a shit ton of money just to get fucked up for the rest of my life.

Just like taxes!

good on him, doctors kill 500 people per day in the USA because of fuckups, not high-risk maneuvers that failed, but basic shit. they also cover it up immediately nowadays which is why it's so much harder to win a medical malpractice suit. they'll falsify documents, lie and will get co-workers to comply.

this guy got what he deserved.

>Louis was a Harvard grad who travelled the world serving underprivileged kids and was preparing to fly out to Togo to perform surgeries when he was murdered

Kek probably.

He obviously did a decent job on the back surgery since his killer had no problem shooting up a hospital.

Kill every last fucking nigger and nigglet. They're a maggot-infested shitsmear on the tapestry of Life.

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The white supremacists did this!

nigger did the right thing, doctors and nurses should not have any immunity and should be criminally charged anytime they make errors.

>surgeon who traveled the world fucking underage kids

So did the nigger. Even if the doctor was scum. A nigger deserves every second of agony it suffers.


Very nice.

Now lets see black-on-black statistics

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Get fucked kikes

This is basically the same thing.

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>botched surgery
>black surgeon
now you know why blacks specifically ask for white or asian doctors.
go ahead, ask the office nurses how often black patients try to change their doctor when they find out the doctor is black

>black surgeon
So the doc was definitely scum then.

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legit this country is going to be fucking terrifying for non-mega-riche to live in. picture it:
>you're 66 years old
>rowhomes and section 8 sprung up around you despite moving to 3 "based" states in as many decades
>on your way out the door you pass through crowds of predominately african brownies, they never seem to dissipate nor go inside and there is always a presence, everywhere there is a place to lurk they lounge and stare
>no less than three indistinct rap songs battle for sound supremacy
>on your way to work you pass through identical neighborhoods, dotted by boarded up liquor stores
>when you get home (there are no more attractions, no more safe places, the news doesn't show anything but two of your coworkers have been the victims of violent assault while out of doors) the crowds have increased
>three different cars are battling to be the loudest on the street (cars on other streets are louder), the BWOM of indistinct bass tracks vibrates your car as you slowly push through a crowd to your spot
>making the trip from car to door, a sea of brown bodies parts as you travel, staring the entire way
>you hear a gunshot in the distance quickly followed by a staccato of returning fire, and dimly remember vowing in your 30s to never give up your guns (you did)
>your doctor's appointment is tomorrow, it's been cancelled three times now, once for overcrowding and twice because your appointment was superseded by a browner patient
>you lay down to sleep, you've learned to block out the constant bombardment of voices, noises and music
>you repeat the egress ritual from the work week
>your doctor is a Haitian immigrant who spends 80 of the 90 minute meeting on his phone and sends you home in pain
>you get a call on the way home
>your older brother is dead, apparently he called his care worker a nigger and was set on fire
>a political ad interrupts your call
>"we must combat the rise of white supremacy"

Based back man saving future children and people from the nigger doctor doing botched medical work.

>botched back surgery
>able to run around shooting people

>Diversity is strength

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>Having a woman as your surgeon

Wait so is it only the fbi when a white guy does a mass shooting? I'm having trouble following this absolutely brilliant line of reasoning...

My back surgeon was an Iranian. He did a good job. I’m 40 percent improved since before. Have artificial L5 S1 disc installed inside me. He had a nigger doctor? Well there’s your problem

>Harvard grad
means nothing when you aren't white or asian.

My doctor is the prototype, half Japanese, half white and he’s amazing. Couldn’t be happier, we shoot the shit and he’s very intelligent.

I guess you could say that surgeon was
Back in Black

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And on the Highway to Hell

My friend's dad injured his back at work and was on disability. He was told to get surgery or be cut off. He didn't want it and explained the risks of the operation. He was bullied in to it and they fucked up the surgery. Now his spine drips fluid and he's bed ridden. they upped his payments $50 a month.

and the shooter was spineless

>they also cover it up immediately nowadays which is why it's so much harder to win a medical malpractice suit. they'll falsify documents, lie and will get co-workers to comply.
this. personal experience.

At least he had a good reason compared to the other shooters. Most of you incels don't have real world experience to know what it's like to get fucked over by American healthcare and how often it happens to so many helpless people.

>botched surgery
I didn't even know Aries Spears was having surgery. For such a funny guy this is such a sad way to see him go.

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That's right, Jew. It's a well known fact that niggers are a violent species; it evens says it in that toilet paper you call a Talmud.

Sorry to hear that, but This. NEVER EVER GET BACM SURGERY. Physical therapy and strength training are the only safe way to improve a back injury.

wow ive never seen a more mentally stable looking guy than the dude in that pic


co-worker went through this shit last year. he said they accidentally severed his urethra when doing cancer surgery, stitched him up and he of course ended up infected and unable to piss with it dumping straight into his body (it's sterile, but it hindered the healing of the recently exposed part and he almost died). they covered it up in less than 5 days, straight up lied and said they knew they severed it and fixed it but it didn't hold so it's technically not malpractice. he needed 3 more surgeries to get it all fixed.

doctors are shit and if they aren't, they'll tell you the other doctors are shit


Had a lad here who's firstborn son was killed during delivery by the nurse who decapitated the boy using the grippy things.
He slit her throat with surgical equipment within the hour.

No shit, I would rather be homeless on a Greek island than be a middle class American this century.

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>this guy got what he deserved
This. Also the patient had to choose between opioids and being in homicidal amounts of pain. Modern medicine is barbaric