Hey Conservatards

If the Democrats can circumvent the Electoral College and fuck up the democratic process by pumping Red States full of illegals and Californians, in addition to blatantly adding fake ballots and committing acts of terror to stop anyone "right wing" from propagating their ideas. What's the point of voting?

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There is no point. The only way out is to execute all jews and fags

>yeah, nothing matters. why bother living?
not voting is submission. and it makes things only easier for them

The exact opposite is true. Voting is submission to democracy aka leftism. Your proper leader is a liege lord who rules through divine right. By voting, you implicitly consent to the destruction of your traditional monarchy, making you a traitor to both race and nation.

Who is my liege lord?

monarchies are a one point of failure systems.
its a retarded system of governance.

case in point:
it took one inept ruler to kickstart leftism.
while kikes toil to destroy democracy since a century.

in other words: what you see now is not the result of democracy,but a perversion thereof

To fool goyim that they live in a legitimate system. Problem is, they own that system.

On the contrary, voting is submissive because you're giving your consent to be ruled by whoever wins a rigged game. If someone is presenting you with the option of being smacked on your left or right cheek, you don't calculate which is going to hurt less, you refuse to play along

They sing and dance for us. Not the other way around
Court jesters aren't in control.

>Voting is submission to democracy aka leftism.
Belgian is correct. Every vote you make is one more ballot they have to forge and one more spitball in their face

First civil war was literally immediately following Lincolns election jackass

yeah when you fight an enemy you fight it on all possible fronts.
ever heard of a little something called attrition?

Masons rape, torture, and brainwash children in order to use as actors later posing as politicians and public figures to manipulate public opinion. Almost everything that happens if fake, WWE style.

So what the fuck can we even do?

>What's the point of voting?
Its better than simply giving up?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like firebomb and grenade every last person who was at one of these rituals? Then gunning them down like common dogs and shitting on their corpses?

I've dreamed about it, but sadly meetings like this in real life have private armies behind them.

I know. They have their compounds outside Coachella and in New Albany

>What can we do
Implying there is anything to do lol Why do you think we just sit here shitposting on the internet

Voting is the only power I possess.

This guy gets it. And when you realize this, you can't unsee it. Or whole world is one giant Truman show

> Liege Lord
My fucking sides

there are conservatives here?


Rope yourseld goldstein

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