Update background checks

>Update background checks
>Psychiatric evaluation
>Interview the people around you to see if you're a good person
>License examination
>Guns entered into database
There you go. Gun problem solved.

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Lol, no.

"No" to what?

No to all gun control.

DC V. Heller states the government can restrict madmen from having firearms. You are already in a government database if you have social security and can vote. There is nothing I listed that is even remotely bad for this country.

To all of that bullshit and this bullshit thread. Gun control isn't going to stop feds doing false flags to further their agenda. Anyone who doesn't know this isn't intelligent enough to be talking about it to begin with. Get rid of niggers, SSRI's, pornography, immigration, and similar degeneracy and the issue solves itself. Sounds harsh, but if you really want to fix the problem, that's your answer.

All gun control is unconstitutional, and more importantly it's an infringement.

kys glownigger.

>bullshit thread
In what world is any of what I listed bad for this country?


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There is no gun problem.


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>Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court's opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller's holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those "in common use at the time" finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.


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Yes, government lies. No surprise there.

(((They))) don't actually want you to have guns. Period.

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Here's the last (you) you're getting from me. Noone gives a shit about people getting shot and killed, and you know that because they're not attacking the root cause of the issue. Guns have nothing to do with this, and anyone with an IQ over 110 knows this.

>May 27th, 2022
Hmmmm. I dont recall seeing anything about this


several months after all these changes take effect

>were not sure how this new mass shooter passed all these checks. also he was well know to the FBI


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None of what I proposed would stop you from being able to purchase firearms unless you are admitting here and now you are mentally unhinged.

>Update background checks
Background checks are conducted by the FBI and they’ve dropped the ball on multiple mass shooters who they were well aware of. Please clarify what you mean by “update.”
>Psychiatric evaluation
How would you prevent political abuse by psychiatrists who are anti-gun but do examinations as a way of political activism?
>Interview the people around you to see if you're a good person
Define “good person.”
>License examination
Is it free? Who conducts it.
>Guns entered into database
Lol thy already do this though ATF paperwork.

You’re not solving anything. You’re simply stripping citizens of their rights because the angry people on the TV said we should. Go fuck a donkey.

You sound like a faggot.

Would not stop a single mass shooting. Not one.

Just ban glowies and mass shootings would stop.

>stripping citizens
Unless you are mentally ill, you would be able to purchase firearms. These are laws in Canada and Switzerland.

>Background checks
I've been to a mental institution and passed it lol, they don't work
>psychiatric eval
So easy for people to pass, might at least filter niggers
>see if you're a good person
Mommy and daddy will say my son or daughter is perfect anyway
We don't need or want a license anyway
I'mma make a killing building and selling unregistered guns

Fuck off kike, your ideas don't work.

>didn’t answer any questions
OP is a fag. Many such cases.

It's an erosion of rights you retarded gorilla nigger.

No. Fuck every aspect of that list.

>They clearly work in these two countries
>"N-no we can't implement them here"

>Update background checks
Background checks already happen and encompass everything a background check can possibly evaluate.
>Psychiatric evaluation
Sure. This is basically an IQ test and would filter out a lot of shitters.
>Interview the people around you to see if you're a good person
No. Never. The opinion of others is irrelevant.
>License examination
This already happens. Gun safety quiz. Unless you want a practical test (shooting at a range) which is fine as long as ammo is provided.
>Guns entered into database
This already essentially happens when you buy a gun.

Leftists are retards. It's already pretty difficult to get a gun. They just want to disarm law-abiding citizens.


>erosion of rights
Unless you are mentally ill, you will be able to purchase firearms with these proposals in place.


>Unless you are mentally ill, you would be able to purchase firearms.
Again, who determines if someone is mentally ill? What if they are politically biased against firearm ownership? These are simple questions you seem to not want to answer. Political abuse of psychiatry is a feature of totalitarian shitholes you’re welcoming with open arms.
If we had the laws of Switzerland I would be have been allowed to keep my fully automatic M4 from my time in the army after discharge from service.
I would rather not have the same laws of that frozen open air prison.