Well, Any Forums?

Well, Any Forums?

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>its your job to right all the wrongs in the world!
you know what, i bet some whites did try to stop the jews and they got fucking killed.
but that's assuming all whites KNEW about it, they probably didnt

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they were serfs

Jews user
They're not white
You're retarded
Ask ice cube about jewish slave owners
That nigger gets it

anyone else hate niggers?

> Poor helpless niggers need to be saved from

>anyone else hate niggers?

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dying to free your whiney helpless asses unfortunately

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what do all the niggers do about their crime rate

What are niggers doing about the slaves right now, that are actually alive, all over the world?

Surviving, asshole. I know niggers don't remember but a cold could've wiped out half your family back then.

I really don't think a single person in my family ever encountered a black person one time until around the 1920s

Organized half the states to fight the other half and free yo ass nigguh.

Working in factories, eating worse diets and working longer hours. The fact that you even begin to feel comfortable throwing this in the faces of northerners is profoundly retarded and only proves that you are just rootless ahistorical primintives that needs to be removed.

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Killing each other in one of the bloodiest wars ever fought so your asses could go free.

inb4 it wasn't fought over slavery

the other 97% died in a civil war to free the niggers so their wives could fuck them later after they're dead

Being poor


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Dying at 30 from shit living conditions.
Also, that is an amazingly punchble face.

My great great Grandfather got conned into going to war against fellow countrymen, all so he could free ungrateful niggers. Niggers who'd one day spit in my face and hold me at gun point despite the fact they'd be in shackles still. I only wish he'd have lived to see this. Most Europeans would have told those Jews to keep their miserable nigger wretch slaves.

90% of all black males are violent criminals what are the other 10% doing

the other 97% were minding their own fucking business

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Living in extreme poverty. Some of my ancestors lived in the workhouse. They had their own troubles to contend with.

Do American's not realize what century they're living in?

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my great grandfather joined the confederate army when he was 13 as a drummer boy and as far as i know, his daughter my great grandmother had never even seen a nigger until the 40s

Banning slavery. The northern states were among the first in the world to abolish slavery.

my dearest martha,
as I lay dying with 2 amputated legs, i will rest easy knowing you will be impaled nightly by BBC...