Canned Mackerel, Herring, or Sardines?

Forget silver or bitcoins, when shit really hits the fan you're going to wish you had guns and canned fish.
What's the canned fish of choice for an apocalyptic scenario? Herring, macks, or deenz?

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deenz nuts

Seems the tastiest of those three and is abundant here in Nippon. What about tuna though?


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>What about tuna though?
i love tuna

Tuna carries the most mercury out of those four fish, while the others are lower on the food chain and also swim at a different level so they are exposed to far less. Tuna is also much more expensive so it's harder to stockpile, and it's less nutritious.

Checked based thread. Deenz my nigga

smoked sprats, deens, and tuna for me
cigs and liquor for trading
anti diarrheals will be worth their weight in food and bullets

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Surströmming ofc. Its the only thing that build character and keep the enemy at bay while tasting good too. And in a worst case scenario the tin can be used offensively as an explosive.

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I'm just going straight to cannabilism.

i'm seeing this thread everyday. wouldnt have guessed this would be a shill topic slidethread, but here we are....

Is this actually something people post about daily?

or get a fishing rod and catch them yourself.
catching mackerel from the shore is easy for most of the year in the Atlantic.
as are other species such as Pollock and flatfish.

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In my country they teach us not to eat from cans that have swollen

Don't listen to these threads. They're nothing but shills for Amazon and the other big global distributors ... manufacturing crises to push up food prices.

I did and now I have 12 tins of sardines to eat within the next 3 - 6 months.

The correct answer is corned beef by the way.

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bots and data fishing

Canned mackerel taste like shit compared to deenz, and herring are just okay. The only way I can make canned mackerel palatable is if I make fish burgers from them and load them up with onion, mayo, and spices. That said, they're much cheaper than deenz. Here, a 14.75 oz can of mackerel is $2.19 and herring is $2.89, whereas a 3.75 oz can of deenz is 1$. If money is an issue, then you might have to settle for the mack.

You know those don't go bad, right? Why are you buying that stuff from Jeff Bezos anyway?

Im a fan of herring. But deenz have more protiene and last longer according to the can. Best before date is negligable if kept stored in a stable environment tho. Spams good if you got many mouths to feed too.

Sardines are best because they have very high essential DHA and essential Vitamin B 12 with lowest possible Mercury content due to their smaller size and shorter lifespan compared to the others.

Herring is slightly edible. Sardines are catfood, coming from cans.

Tuna and sardines, canned beans are also good

You never ate it.

OP btfo'd